Doula Tips and Tits with Kaely Harrod

Doula Tips and Tits is a podcast to answer your most pressing questions about all things pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

Kaely shares juicy tips and insight…No TMI here! It's all game.

Childbirth Education Kaely Harrod Childbirth Education Kaely Harrod

How Does the Bradley Method of Childbirth Education Work?

I’m joined this week by my dear friend and colleague, Irene Kim who is a doula and Bradley Method Instructor. She dives into the ins and outs of the Bradley Method. What is it, how it got started, etc. This is a common type of childbirth education so I wanted to be sure to cover it so people have a good understanding of what the philosophy is behind it.

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Childbirth Education Kaely Harrod Childbirth Education Kaely Harrod

What is a Hybrid Childbirth Class?

Some birth classes are virtual, some are in person, some are self-paced, but there are also some that are hybrid. There are a few variations of hybrid classes. This episode covers two types: 1. A class that’s virtual and in person but taught live. 2. A class that’s a mixture of self-paced pre-recorded information and virtual, but live classes . What these classes cover varies from one class to the next, but they are usually similar to Birth 101 or Childbirth Express classes.

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