Doula Business Coaching

Sustainability:  the ability to be sustained, supported, upheld, or confirmed

My favorite part of doula work is helping clients explore their options and set up their best plan of care for birth and postpartum. That is exactly what I do for doulas in their businesses as well. I educate, support and strategize with you to make your doula work beautiful and amazing for you and your clients alike. Scroll down to see the ways I can support you and your business!

Doula Tips and Tits Podcast

A Podcast by a Doula for doulas! Hear from experts in our field and dive into some truly vital topics around doula business and care! With well over 200 episodes there’s something for everyone on the podcast.

Doula Biz Blueprint Self-Paced

This course walks you from starting your business to client care to self care! It is self-paced, but includes monthly Q&A with other students and Kaely and is a lifetime accesses course so your business can benefit from it for years!

Doula Group Coaching

Group coaching for doulas who want eyes on their business and some community and brainstorming as they grow! This coaching happens 3 times a year and is capped at 10 doulas. So the calls are always intimate and highly productive. This is a group via application so click below to apply

Private Doula Coaching

This is for the doula who’s ready to have all my attention on their own business. The doula who’s serious about making big moves and needs the intricate help making those moves today! This includes 6 months total of support from me and hands on guidance on so many aspects of your business. Book a call below to learn more!

"Adding Kaely as a soundboard to help me with my business has been such a great experience. Although many times as entrepreneurs we think we know everything, we can always improve and make changes to our business that makes sense. Love how practical and down to earth she is. Can't wait to hit my goals in the next few months."

- Becky Private Doula Coaching Client