What is a Hybrid Childbirth Class?

  • Kaely Harrod 0:00

    Hello welcome back to Kaely Daily. Today's question is what is a hybrid approach to childbirth education? This is Kaely Daily, the Bi-weekly podcast about all things doula Tips and Tits where we answer one question about pregnancy, labor, postpartum, or lactation, in order to have your journey in this parenting world be just a little bit more informed and filled with consent. Hello, and welcome back. This is our next episode in the childbirth Ed series. Today's question is what is the hybrid approach now I'm going to talk about what I mean by that and how there's a couple of different types of hybrid approaches. I'm also I'm Kaely Harrod. I didn't even start with that. Where am I going here? So I'm Kaely Harrod. I am the owner of Harrod doula services, the author and host of this beautiful podcast. And if you're new to us, if you're just joining us, for the first time, we're in the middle of a series all about different types of childbirth education, and questions about childbirth education.

    Kaely Harrod 1:13

    This podcast is a podcast where we answer one question, and so I really love to have your questions on my list of things to answer. And I bring in other friends and guests and whatnot in some of them. And I would love to hear from you and hear the questions that you have. We have other series coming. So we're going to talk about doulas, we're going to talk about birthing locations, we're going to you know dive into lots of other topics this season. But please do send me your questions in over on Instagram in a in a message DM me over there. And then I would love to add them to your to my list for this season. So for today, we're talking about hybrid models. Now, there's a few different versions that I'm aware of. It's also possible that there are versions I'm not aware of. The first is virtual and in person.

    Kaely Harrod 2:01

    So one of the hybrids that I personally teach in the DC area is a hybrid, where part of the class is taught virtually part of the class is done in person. So it's a two separate day class, the first class we dive into the logistics of labor and talk through like, you know what all is happening in the uterus and the stages and all of that, it's very similar in terms of content to a Childbirth Express class in that I use the same kind of material, right? But then the second class is slightly longer than the first one. So I break them up a little differently. And that second class is in person so that we can do some of the comfort measures together. And I can actually help you kind of troubleshoot with hands on stuff.

    Kaely Harrod 2:46

    So in terms of comfort measures, I'm not teaching things that I don't talk about and teach in the virtual class, it's more that you get a little bit more help with how to actually apply that stuff, right. So that's one type of hybrid education, where you're doing part of it together. And part of it virtual, but all of its taught live, right, so the first class were live together, you can ask questions and interact. And then the second class, same group of people are also live together, but we're in person. Okay. The other type of hybrid class that I'm aware of is something like a self paced class. That also includes some like live online teaching. And what that typically looks like is you have modules or videos that you watch beforehand. And then on a specific day and time you come to a session where you either ask questions about those modules, or you dive into them a little bit more, you troubleshoot some, maybe you learn some extra things there. So it's a mixture of both hybrid and live or taught virtually, but like, in real time, right? That's a really good option for folks who are not able to commit a bunch of hours at once, and just want like one hour live, but the bulk of the messaging bulk of the education virtually and self paced, right. It's kind of a perfect meld between having like completely virtual self paced and having some live where you're interacting with other pregnant folks and other and your teacher right. Now in the DC area, there's lots of variations of this. But it's something that you could look for in your area. Some people call it hybrid, some people call it self paced, and some people would call it like a

    Kaely Harrod 4:41

    like a weekend, a weekend childbirth class, but with with an in person component. It is something that has been around pre pandemic but has become more prevalent since the pandemic started and so it's easier to find something like that now. endemic has been going so. So if you stumble across a class like that, or that's what you're looking for, then those are kind of the key search terms that you would want to search. Now, the main benefit, I think, is that, well, I'll talk, I already talked a little bit about the main benefit of the virtual, and also some self paced kind of hybrid, the main benefit to the one that I teach, I think, is that you get some hands on troubleshooting. And I think teaching those those skills virtually is really valuable, right. But sometimes, if you're a learner that kind of needs to like, see and feel and and practice it in real time, it can be very helpful to have that like troubleshooting in person, right. And often I find that like a client will will say like, I really want that in person time, if I'm concerned that like, I'm not actually doing this, right. And my partner doesn't know what it should feel like. So they can't really tell me that I'm doing it wrong, right. And so that's a time when it's a good idea to have a little bit of it in person. It's also a good fit for people who want some in person education, but they're kind of nervous to be with people a bunch because of COVID. And so you don't have to have that like eight hour chunk of time with other people. But you can have some in person instruction. And so that's also a time when I think that it's a good fit for folks, in terms of what it covers. I can't speak to every type of hybrid class, but the kind of hybrid class I teach really is very similar to childbirth Express, birthing, 101, something like that, like basics, right, the childbirth basics, not that it's not still like very comprehensive. But it's not like something where we're learning dozens of comfort measures, right. So that's just in terms of context helpful, maybe. So that's all for today. This is a very short and sweet one. But um, next week, look for those interviews that I have coming, which I'm very stoked about. Where we're talking, we'll dive into hypnosis and birth we'll talk about the Bradley method. And so you can hear kind of from other instructors that are trained in things that I am not trained in, what they what their approach is and what their classes include and things like that. So until then, I wish you well informed consent filled births. These episodes are edited and produced by Kaely Herat as I'm sure you can probably tell, and our amazing music is credited in the show notes as well. So we look forward to seeing you on the next episode. And in the meantime, have a wonderful and consent filled

    Unknown Speaker 7:47


    Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Some birth classes are virtual, some are in person, some are self-paced, but there are also some that are hybrid. There are a few variations of hybrid classes. This episode covers two types: 1. A class that’s virtual and in person but taught live. 2. A class that’s a mixture of self-paced pre-recorded information and virtual, but live classes . What these classes cover varies from one class to the next, but they are usually similar to Birth 101 or Childbirth Express classes.


  • The type of class that’s taught partially in person is a good fit for someone who wants some hands-on help with comfort measures, but would rather have part of class taught virtually (either due to COVID precautions or due to time constraints)

  • These classes fit a few different schedules and needs so they are nice for couples who need to study separately or at separate times.


The Breastfeeding Center of Greater Washington



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This podcast is hosted by the Birth Prep Blueprint - comprehensive Childbirth Education for expectant parents to feel calm, prepared and confident about labor and birth. Podcast listeners (that’s YOU!) get 10% off! Use the link below to get that great deal!


If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your Instagram stories and tag me @harroddoula

Kaely Daily is produced by Kaely Harrod of Harrod Doula Services

It is sponsored by The Birth Prep Blueprint Childbirth Class

Music by Madirfan: Hidden Place on Pixabay


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