Investing In Yourself And Your Business With Allison Nevalga

  • Kaely Harrod 00:04

    Welcome to doula Tips and Tits. This podcast is a place where we answer one question about doula work, both to support you and to help you support your clients. I'm Kaely Harrod. I've been supporting families in this perinatal space since my oldest was born 12 nearly 13 years ago. I am a birth and postpartum doula childbirth educator, lovely cheerleader and a doula coach. I love guiding and supporting doulas as they work out their doula business. It is a tremendous joy to be trusted in this way. Thank you for joining us on this journey. Hello, welcome back to doula Tips and Tips. I am joined by another one of my Doula coaching students. I'm so excited to introduce you to her. Allison Nevalga is on with me today. She is a full spectrum doula. And I'm gonna hand it over to you, Alison, to tell us like how you got started in this work and why you love it.


    Hi. Well, thank you so much for having me on. This was like the first time I'm doing a podcast. I'm just a little nervous.

    Kaely Harrod 01:11

    It'll be great. Okay, well, I,


    I guess I started my whole journey, actually just being pregnant. And I was like, you know, crap, like, what do I do? And I felt like the first thing, I Googled something ridiculous. I googled, like, Oh, I'm pregnant. Now what? I love that. I don't have background with my family, as far as I'm talking about their birthing experiences. And I don't have like a, like birth stories that have been passed down. So I guess like, the more recent part of my family is very heavily medicalized. So I really had no indication of like, what I should be thinking of or doing. And I wasn't one of those people that were like, Oh, my gosh, I dream of being pregnant and having like, it was like, Oh, crap, I'm pro Oh, my God, like, and I was, I was a lot older, and I was thinking, Oh, maybe it's not in the cards for me, and we weren't trying. So when I say it was a surprise, it was like, What am I doing? But then as I further done research, and I actually love podcasts, I was listening to some pregnancy podcast and someone suggested to watch the business of being born. And that kind of like,

    Kaely Harrod 02:38

    I love that.


    Yeah. It kinda like changed the trajectory of my research. Yes. So and how my perspective of birth should be and I kind of was thinking, well, we people have been giving birth since the beginning of time. So maybe this is something that maybe I should not fear. And then I guess I learned through other like, I've seen other like moms use doulas through like my social media. And I went on doula match and I, as a person of color, I'm like, I'm Filipino. I really wanted to find another woman of color to help me so that's kind of guided my research and I found someone in my area. And you know, money was tight. So actually, she was all I was a part of her papers as certification. Yeah. Mention. So she was very portable. Yeah. And um, but turns out she is a fantastic doula. And I remember being just in the space with her and it was so peaceful I didn't I didn't know how I needed to envision what birth should be like, like I I wasn't around other like super crunchy people. Well, now I'm pretty crunchy myself, but I think crunchy. Because, you know, some things that I still believe in what I or my birthing was, I I literally when I birth my baby. The first thing out of me and my husband was the first thing we said, this is the best day ever. This is better than the wedding. Like this is it was that was such a natural high, and that it was like eight hours. I did 90% of it in the water. And then I squatted the baby out. And then I pushed like maybe two times and then I'd always my husband always says that the baby just fell out of me. I was like, and I'm and I was really quiet. They told me it's He Well, first of all, they said a weird name. They said a weird thing like the nurses, like you're a very efficient birther. And I was like, what does that?

    Kaely Harrod 05:09

    But I'm straight to the point,


    right? You progressed every hour, I was like, Okay, I didn't understand everything, right? It was the help of my doula and her calm energy. And she was able to just keep me moving. And it was a really powerful energy as well, then, I felt really not only supported, but like, understood. She, I didn't have to, like, explain a lot to her. So that was really, and culturally that's important. Because yeah, when when you're navigating as a woman of color, when you're navigating white spaces, it's a lot of the times we're on pins and needles, and we don't want to say something that's gonna trigger someone to perceive us in a certain way. So for me to just feel like I can, like breathe and just say how I'm feeling was really nice, you know? And, and that's hard to like, say that out loud.

    Kaely Harrod 06:15

    Yeah, but it's true, it's necessary.


    And whenever I'm around, circles or friends that are women of color, like it goes without saying, and it's, and it's a nice space to be in. So when I had a wonderful birth, and I just was I just was so inspired by her, her calm energy, and her knowledge. Her name is Darien and she is amazing. Anyways, after after that, I just felt like I was we just became really into birth. And like, I think a lot of journeys happen that way, they become kind of like a quote unquote, birth nerds didn't I felt like my postpartum period, I just kept thinking about like, wow, I I really messed up in my life. But I did that right. I felt like I felt like someone. I made wrong decisions. But I just I took an informed path towards my pregnancy and birth journey. And part of that was be picking the doula and B add having a doula during my birth. So I my daughter's name is Kaya. And in my native tongue of Tagalog, which is Filipino kya means ability and then chi coma. Yeah, technical means I can saw that. That's the name of my practice. I can doula or Kaya Ko, doula. And it's named after her because just that whole journey in itself was just such an inspiration for me. And I was certified with doula training International. And yeah, I'm a full spectrum doula. And I practice in the DMV area, but more specifically in Northern Virginia. I do, like prenatal birth and Postpartum Support. But I really love the birth part. Yeah. You know, it's a lot of work in the beginning, but it's such a high and what an honor to be a part of somebody's journey.

    Kaely Harrod 08:27

    Yeah, yeah.


    I also have two kids. Yeah. Husband, right.

    Kaely Harrod 08:37

    You have given birth again, since that beautiful journey.


    Yes. I was actually doula thing while I was pregnant. That was interesting. Because I really, I remember, I came, I went to one of my clients postpartum visits, and I was pregnant, very pregnant, and I was lactating when I was holding the baby. The husband's there, and I was like, This is so crazy, like,

    Kaely Harrod 09:05

    breast pads, if you have any spares.


    I just like stopped my bra with tissue. I was like, Are you fine? I'm like, and it's like, I'm wearing a white shirt. And you see two circles. Oh, no. I'm just like, I'm just so happy to hold your baby.

    Kaely Harrod 09:25

    I love that. That's amazing. You're like my body is responding to your


    logic logical response to holding this newborn.

    Kaely Harrod 09:35

    Like, oh, you had the baby. Let's feed it,


    right. So I knew I was like, oh, yeah, I guess I can breastfeed the second one.

    Kaely Harrod 09:45

    Like I already have milk. Don't worry, right. Oh my gosh, that's amazing. So um, so the timeline wise, how old is your oldest?


    My oldest is four. Okay,

    Kaely Harrod 09:59

    so So how old was she when you started doing doula work?


    I was like one and a half to two. I, I started the whole I started our she's like two, I started my schooling and yeah, yep. Yeah. Yeah. And after I, I really enjoyed my experience doing the training. But after it was over there are there, there's help, but I really felt like I needed support in my area. So, yeah, that's what I was going to talk more about why it was Yeah. Like how it came about? Actually. It kind of coincides just yeah, for my certification. I posted on a doula page, a doula group that I was like, I need to audit a class. Yeah, my certification. And during the time, there wasn't a lot of in person classes because of COVID. And then, thankfully, you posted but I was like, I got busy. But then I went back to the post, and I was like, Oh, my gosh, do you have any classes, and I was pregnant while I took your class. I was auditing. But then I realized realizing, I was like, take my notes for myself. Like, there were so many things that I was like, that's a good idea. Like, Oh, yeah. So I, I really enjoyed your class. And, like, I for sure, like as a doula always reference your classes, childbirth class that they should take, because it's convenient, but also, like, how you structure your classes, and you're respectful of time, like my birth, I had a terrible birth class experience where it just went an hour and a half over. And she made it about herself. And what, yeah, like you, you gave us like, the important information, take home information, things that you can review all the questions and I, for someone that I mean, I feel like if you're taking an in person class, you're busy already. Because yeah, you know, so like being being respectful of that, and then also being clear. It was just like a really good, like learning experience for me. And so when you introduced me to the doula mentoring program, I was like,

    Kaely Harrod 12:33

    Oh, I like learning


    from her. And I really, and I really wanted to elevate my business, because I felt it was very stagnant. Like, I didn't know how to take it to the next level. For everyone, life happens. So yes, what I felt like having being a part of a cohort, and then see learning from their journeys. But like, having the ability to directly ask very specific questions to you, was very helpful for me, because a lot of the times, I'm like researching, like, I don't want to be like the person in the group that keeps asking questions. So I always search questions, so I'm not overdoing it. And if I can't find the question, I'm just like, Oh, God, I don't know what to do. But, like, with, how about this? And what's that? And that, that became really invaluable for me.

    Kaely Harrod 13:31

    I'm so glad. So I would love for listeners, I already know this about you, but listeners to hear like, what were the biggest takeaways for you like over this last? I mean, it's kind of the first quarter of the of this year, how has your business grown and changed, and I do not take all the credit for that you are doing awesome things in your business. So I don't mean to say that it's only because of this program. But I'm super excited about the changes that I've heard about from you. So yeah,


    well, big, big issue for me was like, and I think we don't talk about it enough, because we always talk about getting clients but organizing, because sometimes people have a knack to connect. But the whole organization thing is really key because I know as like a person who hired a doula. I want to make sure that they have their stuff together and they feel like I like them. I want to feel like you're competent. And so I want my clients to feel like well, she has her stuff together. Yeah, she's answering my questions. She's answering my emails, like she's in, you know, like all of that. So what really helped me is you just like literally gave us templates and tools and I I was able to make it my own that works for my business. And it's like kind of giving us like a skeleton type of tie. input to just work from. And just add on to that. And that's really been valuable for me. And you, I like the fact that you don't have everything written down because I'm a visual learner. So for you to have videos, yeah, exactly like, this is what I do. And this is when we go over, like, I learned when someone's talking to me, you know, and like seeing them that even though you know, yeah, so I was able to take notes quickly for that. And I know I was watching your videos, like 20 minutes before, I'll prenatal meeting. Make sure that I got everything covered. Yeah. I love that. Yeah, that puts me had and also that another thing that is different from the actually the training that I want to is your information is lifetime. So if I'm, if I can't get to it now, which has been the issue, because it's, as a mom, you already know, it's like, yeah, and I'm not on mom to a toddler and a baby. It's like, it's really hard to get to anything. But, but that gave me peace of mind to know that I'm not on a time clock. You know, and I know that for the rest of my. Yeah, that's my cohort. They felt the same way. Because yeah, you know, they're busy too. So yeah. I think that's like adhering to the needs of like, a modern day doula. Yeah. Because we weren't not just to do really like juggling 60 million different hats.

    Kaely Harrod 16:41

    Right? Totally. Well, and some of it like, I mean, I remember you in one of the first weeks of the of the group, you were like, okay, four people want to hire me? Yeah, you're like, I've never had this many people before. How do I keep them straight? You know,


    when I had, like, kind of like, a windfall of clients, I was like, yes. But then I was like, Oh, God, you know, like, organization thing is so important. And I think that when, when you have it like an organized business, it sets a really positive reflection. And they remember that, you know, because at least I do, because I know when I feel ignored, or I don't feel taken care of. So I know that as a client, so I, you know, having that organizational piece is really key. Yeah, and we should not ignore that as doulas because a lot of the times I feel like and I feared for my family. They're like, Oh, your doula. You're like this tree hugger or granola eating? I'm like, I am like, so not like, you know, like, a thriving business. Relax,

    Kaely Harrod 17:57

    right? Yeah. Yeah. Well, I feel like some of it too, is like, when my dream in this, this like doula coaching is to be able to have people at different points, which you experience between the three, the three of you who are in that first cohort, right. And part of that is like, if this tool is only available to you for two months, or for six weeks, while you're in the program, and you're not yet at the point of needing to use it, then you lack the like, the the ability to sort of like put it into practice and ask questions about it, right, which is part of that lifetime access is I want you to be able to be like, Okay, now I need that tool. And so I can go back to it and start using it, where another doula might not need it for another six months, you know, and then they're gonna start to employ that same thing, and they can come back and be like, okay, Alison, you know, like, how did you use that spreadsheet? Because I'm starting to use it. And I know you used it sooner than I did. Right. So that that's part I mean, I'm the same way as you that I'm like, Oh, I'm gonna lose access. I have to cram all this in.


    Yeah. Or like trying to like screenshot or,

    Kaely Harrod 19:07

    like, do these download? Yes, definitely. Yes. So one of the things that I have been asking, so I asked Dominique and Nicaea what is a kind of takeaway that you would give to newer doulas, like what's a tip that you have that you either wish you knew or you're glad that you knew?


    I knew this. Like I really knew it. And I knew I wanted to do it. And I'm glad I did it. Because it's helping me is just like, just put yourself out there to other doulas because I kind of like initially felt embarrassed to tell my Doula that I wanted to be doula, you know, because I didn't want yeah. Oh, well, I'm the dual. You know, I don't know. You're not the doula you're the client, or the client or something like that. But she actually was so happy that Yeah, I inspired her and I didn't think that she would have that reaction. I don't know why. Yeah. She actually allowed me to come to her prenatal meetings. And then she asked, I've shadowed her before. And that was the way beginning of my journey and like that, that's such a gift you can give doulas like, for me that kind of access, seeing her how she was able to talk to her clients. And just like that, in person, shadowing was just so invaluable. And then eventually, once I got certified, she was asking me to backup for her. And I was like, you know? What? Saw? I was so happy about that. And then yeah, I remember and just seeing other doulas comment on like other moms faces. I just messaged some of the doulas and I was like, Hi. I'm a New doula. Yeah, I would love to connect. I need to know more doulas in my area. And I met I did that for a doula. And then I took her out to eat because I just really wanted to, like, have a community near me, you know. And now we're like, now she backs up for me. And then like that were were very cool. And yeah, I'm glad that she's in my like, my circle. So yeah, yeah.

    Kaely Harrod 21:21

    Yeah. That's excellent advice. I think sometimes we also, it's tricky to be like, are you my competition? Am I your competition? And I'm like, that's not really helpful in this. Yeah, no, no, I'm in. I mean, I realized like we live in a unique area, and that DC is saturated with people having babies. So even though we have tons of doulas, there are plenty of clients to go around. No. But I'm like this work can be so incredibly isolating, we need to know each other. Because it also is not work. Like you mentioned with your family, right being like, Oh, you hug trees, like people don't aren't super familiar with it. So there isn't a lot of community outside of the space, you know? So I love that. Yeah. Is there anything else that you would like to share with listeners about who you are as a doula or your work? Oh, gosh,


    I, I serve all clients. And I think a big part of like, I guess the feedback that I get from my clients is that I serve first and foremost, the person giving birth, but I also serve the whole family. So they felt like everyone was seen. And everyone was kind of given the support that they needed to feel like they were a part of the team. And sometimes, especially for if it's your first time, it's it and you can suggest like, hey, maybe you can be doing this, you can be doing this and that. And that's been helpful. So I, I just want people to know that. That I part, like, I love this work, and then I love birth. And that, like, I just feel so honored to be a part of such a transformative time in their life. And, and I take this work really seriously. And this is not just like a job for me. It's a passion. Yeah. And, and that space that I'm allowed in is so sacred. I mean, yeah, you know, so, especially now, given the times, there's only a limited amount of people. So for them to be like, okay, my mom's not going to be in there, but you're going to be in there. Like, I take that so seriously, like, I don't take that for granted. And that, that I'm not just a supportive person, but I'm an advocate, and I'm knowledgeable. And that thing will always feel empowered after giving birth with me, they won't Yeah, I will always allow them to, I will always give them access to evidence based information. So they feel like they're making the right decisions for their family. And that, like, beyond that, I'm I'm there for you, you know, like, like, I have clients who text me like I need this and I'm like, Hold on, let me I have a resource list. Yeah. You know, and let me send you some of my might my doula is still in my life. She just attended my my daughter's birthday party and she was my Doula for my second birth. And I had a home birth that time. And so she'll be there for the next birthday party. It's just it's just the type of work that is a very personal and that that I want people to know that it's just like, it's an honor and that

    Kaely Harrod 24:57

    Yeah, yeah. I love that. It's funny to me because I'm like other contract jobs. You don't end by being like the new Auntie of the family. Yeah. But doula work? You totally do. Yeah. They're like you are with us now forever.


    I've heard that. Yeah. Like, I'll go to a family parties and they're like,


    us. You saw Allison before? You know. And I was like, Don't say that, right.

    Kaely Harrod 25:34

    Yeah, I have one client that always says you're still on a shortlist of people who've seen me naked. I'm like, I love this. I like I'm happy to be honored to be on that list. It's always like what? Yeah, and it is I think it is. I mean, like what you said, sacred is totally the right word, right of just like being allowed in this beautiful, vulnerable space and being trusted there. Right like that. That is truly an honor. And and I love that that is how you approach it, you know? So, yeah, yeah. Well, thank you so much for taking time to talk to me and my listeners getting to hear from you. I will make sure that all of Alison's contact information is in the show notes so people can connect with Allison, if they would like to. Allison, I appreciate you. You already know that. I think you're an awesome doula. So thank you so much for taking the time and tell your little ones Hi, for me,


    I will and thank you so much for having me and I for any, like, not even I wasn't even that of a newer doula I was. I had a lot of clients under my belt, but I felt like I still needed guidance. So if you feel like you need direction, like I would totally suggest your listeners to really give your an app a chance at your doula mentoring program, because that it's, it's like access to, you know, like a master doula. And then a big part of there has never been a time I've come to you, you're like, I don't know. Are not trying to figure out,

    Kaely Harrod 27:18

    right. I will, I will search it for you. Right.


    So like, just having that access, and then also like having the kinship and now Now, I know more doulas because you're a part of my cohort. Oh, yeah. That's, that's been really valuable. So I hope that they consider your program and it's it was at first I was like, I didn't know if I could afford it. Yeah, you were able to like break down the payments and then totally, that that helped immensely. But also like you want if you want to like value, if you really value your business, you have to invest in yourself. And that's part of it is like that program. So

    Kaely Harrod 28:00

    yeah, I so appreciate you and your kind words. All right. Well, until the next show. I wish everyone well informed doula experiences.


    All right. Thank you. Yep.

    Kaely Harrod 28:18

    Thanks for joining us for this episode of the doula Tips and Tips podcast. If you learned something today, or had an aha moment, we'd love for you to share that on Instagram and tag us at Herat doula, so we can celebrate alongside you. If you found this podcast helpful. We would so appreciate you taking a second to leave a rating and a review on your favorite podcast app that helps other doulas find us as we do this work together. This podcast is intended as educational and entertainment it is not medical advice or business advice. Please consult your own medical or legal team for your own needs around

Today I get to introduce you to Allison Nevalga of Kaya Ko Doula Services. She’s another of my Doula Biz Blueprint Coaching Students. She shares a bit about her own birth stories as well as how her doula business got started and has grown. Her unique perspective from where she started in her first pregnancy to where she is now is worth a listen! 

She had this to say about her experience in the Doula Biz Blueprint: 

“If you feel like you need direction, I would totally suggest you really give yourself a chance at the doula coaching program, because it's access to a master doula! There has never been a time I've come to Kaely and she’s like, I don't know or that you won’t try to figure out.

Having that access, and then also having the kinship with other doulas. Now, I know more doulas because they're a part of my cohort and that's been really valuable. So I hope that you consider this program. At first I was like, I didn't know if I could afford it. But I was able to break down the payments and then that helped immensely. But also, if you want to really value your business, you have to invest in yourself. And part of that investment should be this program.”

Meet Allison Nevalga of Kaya Ko Doula Services

My name is Allison Nevalga, and I am a certified full-spectrum doula trained by Doula Trainings International, serving clients in Northern Virginia. I am a firm believer that everyone deserves a Doula during one of the most pivotal and transformative points in life. My goal is to give all birthing people the tools and knowledge they need to have an informed, empowering pregnancy and birth experience. I serve at all stages of pregnancy. I can be there for your birth, miscarriage, misbirth, and/or postpartum care. I am an advocate for birth equity, informed choice/consent, as well as respect for all birthing people. My goal is to guide you throughout your whole pregnancy and birth by cultivating a space for you to feel safe, supported, and  heard. 

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This podcast is hosted by the Birth Prep Blueprint - comprehensive Childbirth Education for expectant parents to feel calm, prepared and confident about labor and birth. Podcast listeners (that’s YOU!) get 10% off! Use the link below and coupon code PODCAST

** The Birth Prep Blueprint is offered for only $20 to anyone who qualifies for any kind of social services (meaning that a family has a lower income to the point that they would qualify for WIC or SNAP or Medicaid, etc.). No need to disclose your income, just which service you qualify for and the link can be sent right over. Just email to learn more.

If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your Instagram stories and tag me @harroddoula

Kaely Daily is produced by Kaely Harrod of Harrod Doula Services

It is sponsored by The Birth Prep Blueprint Childbirth Class

Music by Madirfan: Hidden Place on Pixabay


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