What Do New Doulas Need to Know About Websites?

  • Kaely Harrod 00:04

    Welcome to doula Tips and Tips. This podcast is a place where we answer one question about doula work, both to support you and to help you support your clients. I'm Kaely Harrod. I've been supporting families in this perinatal space since my oldest was born 12 nearly 13 years ago. I am a birth and postpartum doula childbirth educator, La Leche League Leader and a doula coach. I love guiding and supporting doulas as they work out their doula business. It is a tremendous joy to be trusted in this way. Thank you for joining us on this journey. Hello, welcome back to doula Tips and Tips. I have a another guest with me today. And I'm very excited to introduce you to in part because she unknowingly directed me through writing my website with her podcast over the last like year and a half ish. Also, because her podcast is called Talk copy to me. And if you know me at all, you know that I love a good pun. And so that just made my day when I found it initially. So Erina Lilla is here. She is an SEO and copyright website copywriter. And I'm gonna let you Erin, tell us about your awesomeness because I could go on and on about it. But give, give my audience some info about yourself.


    All right, how much time do we have to talk about my office here before we jump into the content? Hi, everyone. Again, thank you so much for having me here on the show. I'm really excited to talk to you and have you know, talk to your listeners, can we say that? I am an SEO copywriter. I actually went to school to be a literary writer, I have my bachelor's and master's in creative writing. And once I realized how hard it was to get a full time teaching job in the college level, I was like, I don't have time for that, nor do they pay enough for me to try to make time for that. What the heck am I going to do? Enter the world of copy and content. So basically, I guess what I'm saying is I've been doing this for a really long time. And I've seen the ebbs and the flows of like how SEO has changed, how marketers approach things like pain points and talking to their audience. And now like this, you know, we can call that all the wild wild west now that we're introducing AI into copywriting. So basically, I guess what I'm saying to start off is, if you've heard anything about copywriting, forget it. Just sit down, take a deep breath. And it's not even all wrong. It's just like it changes so much that I think that what happens is, when we talk about things like websites, especially DIY in your website, there's like 8 million things you need to do to do it correct. Right? I rewrote my website, at some point last year when I was changing website host. And I cannot tell you how hard it was. And this is from someone who is like, Look, I get paid all the time to write other people's websites. But it's just because it's like, you know, we know our businesses, it resides in our heads, we have these wishes and hopes we're not sure how to describe things. And the pressure is on. So my my point in saying forget everything is like don't put that pressure on yourself because you're failing before you even start. Yeah, if if it's easy, if you're going to be typing on a computer, like, throw a bunch of like gibberish on the page, right? Like, say this here, say that there, this is going to be great. I'm wonderful. And then fill those blanks in later. If it's a piece of paper, like brainstorm because I really, truly to the core of me believe that. Things that hold us back as DIY writers are the things that we have to do after we write, like self editing, like having maybe our customers read our copy and suggest you know whether whether it was a hit home, like that stuff for later. So if you are if you have a website that's you know, bare bones, or if you are just like coming up with the idea of making a website. Don't worry about those things and just sit down and start from scratch taking all the pressure off yourself.

    Kaely Harrod 04:22

    Yeah, no, I love that. And this is exactly why Aaron is here to talk about this. Even though she is an amazing person to consider hiring for your website at some point. She has no problem being like if you can't hire me or anyone else yet do this, which is where most of you all are. So as you know, if you listen to this podcast a lot we like to answer one question. So today's question is going to be Aaron, what the heck do I start with? I'm talking


    all right. Where do you start? That is a great question. And I say one obviously start with whatever is easiest. Now I'm going to preface what I'm about to say, with the fact with a personal preference, but then I will explain why I'm actually suggesting you do the opposite. Personally, I really like multi page websites. So you know, your general homepage, about page services page, often secondary services page, if you offer more than one thing, Contact page, blog page, all of those things. I like them. Because if you have as many pages as possible on your website, each page is a new door when it comes to SEO and like welcoming people into your world and attracting them to your business. As well as the fact that it takes a little bit of information to explain things right. Like, that's why I like multi page websites. But here's the thing about new businesses, you don't need a multi page website in order to like have that stomping ground for your business. However, you need that stomping ground like I do, I think this is like one of those things in my business industry that like I will go toe to toe for with anyone when they say like, Oh, you don't need a website. And I'm like, scratch that you're wrong. Like I don't argue with any things in life people a lot. You know those because you listened to my podcast, I'd say 80% of the shows, I've said it depends. It's like my favorite answer to it is, it is my favorite word. Because not like you know, we all have different businesses, even in the just doula industry, there are different types of businesses, you all have your own personal advantages, your stories, your what you want to do with your clients, and how you approach your work. So it really does depend when it comes to marketing, except for the fact that you need a website. Because, you know, let's say you're using social media to promote your business, which is totally fair most people do. It works for a lot of businesses, what happens is you might have some of that comes into your world, maybe they found you through a hashtag or recommendation. But what happens when they want to actually hire you, if maybe you have one of those Lincoln bios that will say like, here's a contact form. The truth of the matter is people make purchasing decisions based on things like social proof. And social proof could be things like testimonials, let's say but social proof is just the proof that you exist. I have hired contractor after contractor after buying my home. And I always pick on the home improvement industry. But the truth of the matter is, they don't really operate it like anyone when it comes to marketing. They have websites that they haven't like updated since the 1980s. They have social media that they post on like once every four years. So when it comes time to like, as a consumer look for that type of person, I don't know if they're even in business anymore. I don't know if people like trust them, if they haven't had like updated reviews. As a doula your clients are, are thinking that very same thing. And we all know that your clients have a lot more emotions than someone who's looking for home improvement, their hormones are all over the place. They're nervous, right? Like they're coming to you because they want your support. But when someone knows that they need support, whether this is consciously or subconsciously, there's a lot of like, support you have to do before they gave you can give them the support and the job. And and what they're looking for is just the proof that you do have a business, you are trustworthy, you know what you're doing in your speaking and like the language that just makes them feel confident to move forward to even reach out to you. So a lot of people will say like, Oh, I'm not getting leads. Why? Because no one knows if you're doing what you're doing, if you're trustworthy, like everything that I just said, it all comes back to the website. So I will get off my soapbox, I'm super sorry for like ranting there. Back to the point, you do not need a five page website, you do not need even a three page website. If you want to make this like the easiest approach to just getting something there for that proof. Make a one page website, and I can give you the whole like prescription of what to do on that website. You're going to start the page with the most important thing that you're trying to get out there. What do you do, right? You're there to support these families, these these women that are going forward having a child they need you right so make a statement about what it is that you do or what you offer. Following that talk directly to the person who's looking to hire you. I am not a like let's rub people's noses and they're a pain point type of person. But I think pain points are helpful right in In your clients case, their pain point isn't that they're like struggling so bad. Their pain point is just that they have a need or a desire, and you're someone that can help them with that. So talk to them about that. When you're done, introduce yourself, who are you like, what is your name, I'm guessing for the most part, you're a one person business. So you can use the word AI, like introduce yourself, talk about why you're doing what you're doing. Because it being a one page website, you don't have that about page to kind of like, spend time and introduce yourself. But all you need is a couple paragraphs, right? Why you care about this, what your experiences and maybe what your approach is, if you have a very specific approach, follow that up by what you do. So that was like what people would say services. And if you're thinking to yourself, like, Aaron, I just started, I do not know what my services are, like, I just want to be a doula, hello, then just make it easy like that. Just say, like, you know, like, get in touch. And then you can do the customized plan with those new clients. Most businesses, for any industry, it's so much trial and error in the beginning before you figure out what those actual offers are. But you might have offers. And if you do, use some space after the like about us section to actually explicitly say, what you do, and what's included in that. Don't treat that section like a sales page, though. Like, let for example, if it's like you have like a one appointment, like a GET TO KNOW you type of appointment, you don't have to spend paragraphs to explain what's going to happen during that. Just say, here's our like, Intro appointment, maybe two sentences, price button. And you'll do that for the rest of your services. And once that's done, there's many other things you can put on the page, I would highly recommend some way that you can connect with them regardless of whether they booked the call or not. So a button to book a call that leads to a scheduling tool. There are free scheduling tools, like I think acuity and, and Calendly. Both have free options still. As well as the booking the call section, you also really want to get their email address if possible. You don't need to become an email marketer right away, we don't need to have wild and crazy email sequences. But the idea of that is some people might just be putting out feelers for the future. So maybe it's someone who's not pregnant in the moment, but they knew from their last experience, they really want a doula the next time they have a baby. So having them on that list and nurturing them will help you. Again, you do not have to become an email marketer. But just starting the practice of doing it will help you as you adjust your website in the future and adjust your marketing. Now I've spoken a lot, so I'm gonna pass the mic back to you.

    Kaely Harrod 13:03

    So um, I love all of what you're saying. And our audience, my audience can't see that. I'm just like nodding and nodding and nodding as you go. So one of the things that I went through recently in an episode was about like, know what you do and how someone can hire you to do that thing, because no amount of putting yourself out there is going to be helpful. If you're like, I don't know why you can hire me, you know, so even if it's just, I'm going to do births. And so I'm a birth doula, right, like that is your service, that is what that is. And the price will change and can change. It's okay for that to like, continue to evolve. The thing that I really want to like hone in on with this, the website stuff specifically is that if you have this framework of like, you need someone to know like, generally what your business is generally who you are writing generally what it is you do, so they know that they're the right people to possibly hire you. Right? Like you work with pregnant families. Well, at the very least, you're gonna rule out anyone who is not pregnant and thinks you're a doula for some other thing, right? And so so that framework can be so simple, and all of us who own our own businesses, aside from maybe copywriters, but I would say probably even you, if you look back at the very first website that we had, we're probably like, Oh, that was you know,


    especially copyright is my first website that I had was like a mess of me trying to do and say everything. I mean, if I could sum it up in one sentence, it was basically like I write and I will write anything you would like me to write, you know, which which does nothing for the end user, you know, and then the same for for doulas. So, I agree, I think, but I think that's the beauty of like knowing that everyone else has a really like, poor first website as well. And that's to be spected and that is fine. And it's not as if your clients are judging your skills as a doula based on your marketing abilities. It really is just that comfort level of proof. Before so you can have let's say colors that don't mesh. Well. Everyone worries about the unproductive, unproductive procrastination marketing. You know, what branding colors will I have? What fonts will I use on my website? What pictures will I download for stock photography? While it's not fair for me to say it doesn't matter? Because I think visuals and copy really do work together? It doesn't matter, though, right? Like your clients do not care. Like what are let me ask you a question. What font does Nike use? What font does target use? What font does any any other big business use? Like? We don't know? Right? I mean, we can identify it when we see it. Or what's the hex color for Walmart, like, we don't know these things, or it doesn't make a difference at all. So you can throw some clashing colors up on your website, you can try really bold, bright colors. And then maybe maybe for a month you have it and you're like, No, this is who bowled for me change colors. I mean, that's the easy part of all of this. But don't focus your time and energy, they're focusing on the message because regardless of the colors, and the fonts, and the design and the images, it's really that message and all you're saying is proof of of self. I serve you why I serve you what experience or interest at least that I have in serving you and how we can connect. That's, that's your one page website there. If you can answer those things, then you're going to make the people feel confident to reach out to you. Now, when it comes to writing, here's the here's the thing is like you might be listening and being like, okay, cool. Those are like three to five things, Aaron, but I still don't know how to do that. While I don't recommend this all I would say best approach is really journaling without editing. So the first question is like, Who do you serve? Write five paragraphs about that, set a timer for yourself for four minutes or 10 minutes and just write everything that I had, even if it sounds absolutely ridiculous. I remember when I started my business, and it still to this day people do this. They're like, why did you start your business expecting you to have some like, lovely story about these, like passions that you have, and like life changing moments. And I was just like, I mean, I like writing, and I would have good idea, like my husband paid for my health insurance. If he didn't, I probably would have never started a business. So like, that's not exciting. If I were doing what you're doing, and I'm just journaling, I'd probably write that down. Then I started my business because I thought I could I started my business because I really want to serve this type of people. Because when we're not self censoring, interesting things come out, like the tiniest little thing that you might not have thought of before, especially for like a boat sections can come out and you're like, wow, that might be interesting to share. Or well, someone could connect to this. So for those three to five sections that I mentioned that what we're trying to accomplish, maybe even you have to like put them days apart, you know, you're going to take one section, let it sit for a day, come back, do another 10 minute journaling prompt. And then when you're done, read through it and say, What can I use and start to like fill in the blank of that outline. So you're not approaching it from a blank page where you're supposed to take these journaling answers and magically turn them into perfect copywriting. Just start to fill them into the outline and then edit that that's when editing happens. That's when you can actually say does this sound good? Does this sound convincing? Maybe I should call in a peer for help to review this for me. But until then don't ask for anybody's help. Don't try to be the best writer in the world. Just get it on the page so you can adjust it.

    Kaely Harrod 19:21

    I love that. And I do think one of the things that I that I love about your podcast specifically is when you ask for like a little homework assignment, right? Because I think breaking it down into like much more manageable tasks is so important. When like you're you're a doula, right. And so you didn't start a business because you wanted to design fancy websites right or be a marketer or learn about SEO. I so clearly remember when I had a page on my site that was like I teach childbirth Ed, like that was literally like the page title. It was like, if you need it Last Call me like it was just like,


    let me pause for a second though like, Okay, you're teasing yourself. But here's the how clear is that that's it. I mean, like, I wouldn't recommend it, guys. But the truth of the matter is it is clear. And that's what we want. I'm really glad you said that. Because the one thing I didn't say, which is like a warning of sorts is Do not be clever. cleverness will not get you anywhere a specially at this point in your business. We talked earlier that you liked the name of my podcast, talk copy to me. Now I am not the best writer for short form things branding, like content, things like that. But I'll tell you, I would have never come up with that name in the first year of my business, because there's so many other factors swimming in my head, like I couldn't have been clever. At that point, I needed to be clear, so that people really knew exactly what they were getting. So if you're asking my opinion on what you should do for this first website, or how to edit like what you have right now, it is, if you see things that are clever, dial them back, and do what you did in that example, where you were teasing yourself, like, I help women with their birth period, who cares? Great, that's fine, wonderful, move on, like, put it on the internet, send it out to everyone you know, and ask them to come check out your site, like call it a day, take the pressure off yourself. That is what you do. You are not a unicorn support professional who works through major life experiences involving people under the age of one hour, right? Like you don't like none of that makes any sense. But I think that people, we hear all this advice. This is why in the big air said no advice, do not listen to a thing. But we hear this advice about standing out in like, you know, really making yourself like stay apart from your competitors. So you people do that that wild, like description of their job title, or how they help clients and it doesn't serve them. So be as clear as possible. Be as easy going on yourself. Get the basics up and add to it and edit it later.

    Kaely Harrod 22:08

    Yeah. So I'm gonna have your podcast that I keep talking about in the show notes. Of course, you but what else would you like my listeners to know about you or to have like resource wise from your world?


    Yeah, well, I would say if you're working on your website, my one of the first series on my that is one of my favorite. I really do. I think it was like every time I've re listened or like edited parts of it to get like short clips. I'm very proud of what's on those episodes. But we have. And this is again for more than a one page website. So take that pressure off. But if you did have a website, that is a few pages right now, there is an episode on the homepage is about pages. There's another one on services pages. And then the fourth one is just kind of titled like, what's the rest of the website pages? And what that episode is, so you don't stress yourself out is all the options you have. So there are a bunch of pages on that episode that I don't even have on my own website. So it's not like you don't need a speaking page, a media page, XYZ page. But I the reason I wanted to put it in that format is a lot of times I asked my clients when like initial calls, like well, what pages do you need, and they just stare at me like their eyeballs turn into question marks, and they're like, I don't, I thought you were gonna figure that out for me. So it's helpful to hear that and like, hear what your options are. So you can start to make those decisions. But I think they're really great starting places if you want someone to kind of guide you. So it's, you're not doing it 100% On your own, you can pause the episodes, take some notes come back. I think that's a great place to start if you're going to be working on your website.

    Kaely Harrod 23:48

    Yeah, amazing. I really appreciate you having this conversation with me. And I feel like we could keep talking for


    way too long. But we'll stop now. So everyone can go work on their website, report back to us. I would love to see if you are working on your website, make sure you tag me on social and tag your website, so I can go check it out. But yeah, we're gonna stop talking now. So you can actually do the work and get your doula website up.

    Kaely Harrod 24:13

    Yes. And which is your favorite social media platform for people to connect with you?


    Man? That's tricky. Um, I would say I'm probably most present on Instagram. Yeah. Yeah, we'll do Instagram for now. But honestly, you could find me almost anywhere. So for me, wherever you're comfortable.

    Kaely Harrod 24:33

    That's fair. I'll make sure that links to all of that are in the show notes as well. Aaron, I appreciate this so much. And as always, listeners, if you have a question that you would like to have answered, or another sort of expert that you would like to have come and talk about a business thing, please do shoot me a message on Instagram. So I can add that to the list for 2023. And until next time, I wish you well informed consent filled doula experiences

    Kaely Harrod 25:04

    Thanks for joining us for this episode of the doula Tips and Tips podcast. If you learned something today or had an aha moment, we'd love for you to share that on Instagram and tag us at Herat doula, so we can celebrate alongside you. If you found this podcast helpful, we would so appreciate you taking a second to leave a rating and review on your favorite podcast app that helps other doulas find us as we do this work together. This podcast is intended as educational and entertainment it is not medical advice or business advice. Please consult your own medical or legal team for your own needs around

Doulas need things that all businesses need! Websites, branding, marketing, networking, etc. Today we are working on websites! What to write, when to write it and how to make it work for you. Doulas can let their websites speak to their ideal client before ever connecting with them on a call.

If you’re working on websites Erin Ollila is the person you want telling you what to write on it! She’s a wealth of knowledge and also hilarious! Her podcast Talk Copy To Me is one of the ways I learned about copywriting and SEO when I was updating my own website a few years ago. 

Quote from the show:

“Personally, I really like multi page websites. So you know, your general homepage, about page services page, often secondary services page, if you offer more than one thing, Contact page, blog page, all of those things. I like them. Because if you have as many pages as possible on your website, each page is a new door when it comes to SEO and like welcoming people into your world and attracting them to your business. As well as the fact that it takes a little bit of information to explain things right. Like, that's why I like multi page websites. But here's the thing about new businesses, you don't need a multi page website in order to have that stomping ground for your business. However, you need that stomping ground!”

Key Takeaways:

Listen to her podcast episodes all about the first and most important pages to have on websites:

About Page

Home Page

Services Page



Conversion copywriter. Copy Coach.Wing Woman. Word slinger. No matter what you call her, Erin Ollila  believes in the power of words and how a message can inform—and even transform—its intended audience. 

When she’s not working with big brands and small businesses to marry strategy, storytelling, and SEO, you can find her hosting the Talk Copy to Me podcast or exploring southeastern MA with her family and friends. Erin graduated from Fairfield University with an M.F.A. in Creative Writing and then co-founded Spry Literary Journal, which celebrates undiscovered and established writers' concise, experimental, hybrid, modern, vintage or just-plain-vulnerable writing. 

CONNECT with Erin:

Website: http://erinollila.com 

Podcast: https://erinollila.com/podcast Links to social media accounts: 

Instagram: http://instagram.com/erinollila 

LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/erinollila 

Facebook: http://facebook.com/erinollilacreative 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/erinollila_  

TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@erinollila_ 

CONNECT with Kaely on TikTok or  Instagram



If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your Instagram stories and tag me @harroddoula

Kaely Daily is produced by Kaely Harrod of Harrod Doula Services

It is sponsored by The Birth Prep Blueprint Childbirth Class

Music by Madirfan: Hidden Place on Pixabay


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