What's New in 2023?

  • Kaely Harrod 0:01

    Happy New Year, it is officially 2023. And I just want to be probably not the first, because it's already a few days into the new year. But I want to be one of the first people to welcome you to this beautiful new year. And just say that I hope that you have a lovely and wonderful year full of learning full of self advocacy, full of healthy boundaries, full of joy, and full of new experiences. So that is what I hope for you that is what I hope for me and my family. And I'm excited to be on this journey in this beautiful world and this beautiful podcast alongside you. Today, we are talking about what 2023 offers to you from our business. So it's a little bit of a different episode, we're not necessarily answering a question, but we're giving you a chance to hear about some of what we do here. So that you get a really good sense of what your options are in terms of working with us. Because it's really important that we give you a chance to learn and grow with us if that's what you're wanting. Right. And so being that it's the new year and new things have happened in the business, I wanted to just take this first episode to really dive into that with you and give you a sense of what to expect for 2023. Okay, so to start off, we have one awesome new thing. That is doula mentoring. So I know that many of you who listen to this podcast are pregnant. So you're probably not a doula, maybe you are a doula. I have kind of a mix of folks, right. So one of the things that I would love for you to do is take literally 10 seconds to click on the survey that is in the show notes. And actually tell me if you are a doula or pregnant or postpartum or a past client who just listens to these because you love me still. And just literally, it's one question like, you click on the link, and then you click on what you are, and then you submit it, you don't even have to give me your email. So I would love to hear from you and to hear where you fall into what category so that I can also get a sense of what would be helpful for you in this podcast, right? Because I want it to be super relevant, especially this year, and 2023 2023, I am focusing on how to really make this business even more beneficial to you. So that is my hope for the year. And it would be super helpful if you took that quick quiz. So one of the things that I have is that doula mentoring. Now my goal, my hope is for that to grow this year, right? Like, I'm kind of giving birth to this, like brand new part of my business. And I'm super excited for that to grow and flourish. And I actually have an awesome, wonderful business coach, who is helping me do that. So I'm super, super excited for that. And that's kind of the first big thing that's happening in 2023. The other thing is, I'm of course, attending births. So if you're in the DC area, or no people in the DC area, I am still taking birth and postpartum clients for 2023. I also do virtual support. So if you would benefit from a session virtually where we're like planning a postpartum time, or we're talking through a bath or something like that, that can be done virtually as well. So you do not have to be local. However, most of my Doula work is local, right? And so lots of people want an in person, doula, that's what I want for you as well. So if you live somewhere else, I'm also happy to help you connect with a doula in your area. Because I think that's very important. The other thing that applies to everybody, no matter where in the world you live, is classes. So every single type of class that I offer is offered virtually, part of the reason for that is accessibility. I want people to be able to access the information and education no matter where they are, or what their schedule is. And that's not a thing and lots of different birth preparation stuff, right. And so, that is intentional, that all of my things are virtual, they are not all pre recorded. So if you prefer to have kind of a one on one live session, that is an option. So I'm just gonna run through what those are, so you have a sense of what it is. So the two that I do live, typically our private newborn care classes, so teaching you like swaddling, and bathing and that kind of stuff. We're walking through it, we're looking at it together, we're talking about it, we're strategizing, I'm teaching you what might be normal about your kiddo, what they might look like and sound like and what weird things they might do in the early weeks. And that's a private class, it's just us together on Zoom, or on a virtual platform in order to like troubleshoot together and ask questions. The next one is a comfort measures strategy session. Now, this session not only teaches you comfort measures, but also helps you walk away with a really good game plan of what you want that strategy to be during birth. So this is a two hour session. So it's a like private class. Again, we're together doing this over video chat. And we leave that time with a couple cheat sheets, and also a strategy. So you walk away with an actual comfort measures plan that's unique to you, right, based on what we've covered, what we've talked about what your oxytocin needs are, etc. So those are the two that I routinely do live, but virtual, I have an option to do a private birth planning session. So that is where you and I sit down and write your birth plan together. That isn't so much a class as it is just a session that we do together, right. And so most often people add that to the birth planning workshop that I offer, so that they can kind of do those two together, that is my recommendation for folks. But that's also something that you have access to no matter where in the world you live. The next thing is my two are my three, not two, on demand classes. So these are pre recorded classes that you can start anytime you can re listen to them as much as you want to. You can go through them as fast or slow as you need to. And you own these for the rest of forever. Right. So the first is the birth prep blueprint. Now that is a diverse trauma informed childbirth class that's comprehensive. It goes through everything that you would need to know about labor about comfort measures about warning signs and pregnancy, what's normal in the immediate postpartum time induction and see section, and all of that kind of stuff. So anything you would expect to learn from a like weekend childbirth class, or a two or three week childbirth class, that is what is included in that birth prep blueprint. And you take it at your own pace, and then use it for however many pregnancies you have in the future. Okay. The next class that I have is called the postpartum prep blueprint. And that is all about your postpartum experience. So it really digs into what is normal for you, the person who gave birth. So it's not about the newborn, not about diapers and swaddles. It's all about you, your body, your experience, your support, etc. Now, that is, again, a class that you access whenever you'd like it's on demand. So you buy it, and you can take it immediately, you can save it and take it again, right, it is yours, you own it. The third is the birth planning blueprint workshop. So that is a shorter class, it's only about an hour long. But it is again, pre recorded. So you can access it as much as you need to and whenever you want to, not on a class schedule. And that is really diving into why you need a birth plan, and what you need in that birth plan. So all of those classes are linked in the show notes so that you can quickly look them over and have a sense of which ones might be helpful to you. I would love to hear from you. Which of those classes you would like to hear more about. Because I think sometimes

    Kaely Harrod 9:29

    it's a little overwhelming to know like you need to do some preparation, but you're not sure what preparation to do. And if you Google like how to prepare for birth, you get like 9000 More than that, probably 9 million responses from the internet. Right? And so, if you would find it helpful to hear more about why someone might want a comfort measure strategy or why it's helpful to have a newborn care class, then please do connect with me on in Instagram at Herat doula is my instagram handle. And I would really really love to hear from you. In what way it would be helpful to hear more about these classes. Just as a reminder, it would be wildly helpful to me if you clicked on that link in the show notes to take that quick survey, literally one question and the option of putting your email but absolutely not required. So please do that. Because then I will have a sense of who you are like which demographic you fit into, right? Are you a pregnant person or a doula or a postpartum person or a partner or my mom who loves me, listens to my podcast. So so that will give me a really good sense of what would be most helpful for you in 2023 As I'm planning out our episodes, so once again, welcome to the new year, and I'm so excited to hang out with you this year on this podcast. This has been Kaylee daily doula Tips and Tips. I'm so glad that you were here joining us today. I am not your medical provider. And so all of this information is intended to be educational and entertainment. Please use it as such. And if you have questions about your own medical health, or need recommendations from your own provider, please do speak to them. This is not intended to replace them in any way. We are so happy that you are here joining us in this walkthrough, pregnancy postpartum and lactation. Please take a second to like and subscribe, leave a positive review. That is how other families get to hear about us and get to learn from all the answers that we have here on this podcast. As always, I would really love to connect with you. I love answering questions. I know that you know that because you are here, but I would love to hear what your questions are. So if I have not yet answered them on the podcast, I would love to add them to the list of questions to be answered. please do reach out to me on Instagram or via email Kaely at Herat, doula services.com so that I can answer whatever question you have, and so that I can hear the feedback that you have about the podcast. Until we meet again, I wish you well informed consent filled birth and postpartum experiences

    Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Happy New Year!!!

Take a second (literally one!) to tell us which audience category you fall into.



Harrod Doula Services Online Services to Help you prepare for birth and postpartum! 

  • Doula Mentoring

  • Birth Preparation Course

  • Birth Comfort Strategy Session

  • Newborn Care Class

  • Postpartum Prep Course (for YOU, not the baby!)

  • Birth Planning Workshop 

  • Birth Planning Private Session

So where do you start? Well, obviously that’s survey above, but also I highly recommend that pregnant folks take this quick birth readiness assessment (for free!):



CONNECT with Kaely on Instagram


This podcast is hosted by the Birth Prep Blueprint - comprehensive Childbirth Education for expectant parents to feel calm, prepared and confident about labor and birth. Podcast listeners (that’s YOU!) get 10% off! Use the link below and coupon code PODCAST


** The Birth Prep Blueprint is offered for only $20 to anyone who qualifies for any kind of social services (meaning that a family has a lower income to the point that they would qualify for WIC or SNAP or Medicaid, etc.). No need to disclose your income, just which service you qualify for and the link can be sent right over. Just email kaely@harroddoulaservices.com to learn more.

If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your Instagram stories and tag me @harroddoula

Kaely Daily is produced by Kaely Harrod of Harrod Doula Services

It is sponsored by The Birth Prep Blueprint Childbirth Class

Music by Madirfan: Hidden Place on Pixabay


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