What Snacks Should I have Ready For The Postpartum Time?

  • Kaely Harrod 0:01

    Continuing on the theme of preparing for the postpartum time, I wanted to talk a little bit about having food. So this episode is answering the question what kind of snacks Should I have ready for the postpartum? Welcome to doula Tips and Tips, the podcast where I answer one question about pregnancy postpartum, or lactation. This is a space where it's safe to have questions and we're gonna give you real answers. We're not going to beat around the bush or give you what we want you to know we're going to answer in an evidence based way. I'm Kaylee Herat and experienced doula mom of three lactation counselor and a childbirth educator. I started this work in part because of my own lack of answers in my journey of pregnancy and birth. And I'm on a mission for families to be well informed and well supported through this time. This is a space where you will learn about questions that you didn't even know that you should be asking, and have answers to ones that you're already asking. The whole purpose here is for you to feel a bit more educated and informed and competent in this journey that often feels very new, and a little bit disconcerting. If you have not already I would love for you to subscribe to this podcast so that you get updates when there are new episodes, or head to our website, Herat doula services.com to subscribe to our email updates so that you get notifications when we have a new episode Episodes Episode out. Thank you for joining us today. So today, we're talking all about the postpartum snacking. And I can tell you that this is a very important topic in my mind, because your body needs adequate fuel in order to heal from giving birth. I do not love the idea that we need to start having some kind of calorie deficit in the postpartum time. First of all, I don't actually ascribe to that idea ever. But in the postpartum time, your body is healing from being pregnant, and you've been pregnant for oftentimes nine months, right. And so if you have just taken all this time to grow a baby, and then give birth to that baby, your body needs sufficient nourishment in order to heal. So that is your first kind of pep talk around food. Right? That just to start out with a plan to nourish yourself really well. Now, it is easy to not eat enough in the postpartum time on accident, in part because you have so many other things happening, right? You're dealing with healing, like whatever kind of birth you had. And then you're dealing with a newborn that you just met for the very first time and they don't sleep a lot, you know, and they want to eat all the time, and they need to have diaper changes, and sometimes they poop and pee on you. And so to say that you have a lot going on is a bit of an understatement, in fact, and so I understand and I fully appreciate that it is easy to forget to nourish yourself adequately. That is why I recommend having a plan for food in advance. So whether that looks like having like grocery deliveries, whether that looks like stocking up before the baby comes or having a plan for people bringing you snacks, it can look different for everybody. But I want you to take some time to really think it through. Now what types of things you eat in the postpartum time is really dependent on how you eat normally, right. So some people really love, like cheese and crackers and yogurt and things like that some people don't have dairy in their life normally. And so they need to have other sources of protein and good healthy fats, and some good sugar content so that you have some energy, right. And so think about kind of a mixture of snacks that give you really good fuel and snacks that you love. And that make you happy, right? Because you need some good oxytocin, you need some good emotional fuel. And so having snacks that you really love and make you very happy go a long way for that. And also you need some sufficient protein and fuel from actual food, right. Some of the things that I think can be good to sort of think about is a handful of shelf stable snacks. Now, when I say that, I mean things like trail mixes and granola bars and nuts and crackers, and like applesauce pouches like those kinds of things that aren't going to go bad very quickly, so they can like hang out in a basket next to your bed. Add for instance, or they can hang out next to the chair that you're planning to feed the baby in. Or you can have a basket in all of your various feeding locations around the house. So when you sit down to feed, you can actually just reach over and grab a bar for yourself, right? So you want to think about that. And then the other thing is to think about some foods that are easily accessed. So think like, what I mean, when I say this is, let's say you're a person that loves carrots and peanut butter. I know that's maybe weird, is that weird? I really like carrots and peanut butter. But if you're a person that likes carrots and peanut butter, then this is a time to not buy carrots that require you to peel and chop them, right? Because the process of peeling and chopping the carrots prior to eating them may keep you from eating them. So this is a perfect time to buy carrots that are pre chopped, or to buy baby carrots or to buy the carrot chip kind of things that you can buy that are like, I don't know, does every area have those? In DC, we can buy carrot chips, and they are marvelous. They're fresh carrots, but julienned I think that's the word there cut like chips. Um, that's a total side to side note, you should look into those, for sure. But this is a great time to look for ways to make food more convenient, and quick. So it's not the time to look at like what is the cost per pound for the precooked versus the the raw Right? Like, I fully appreciate that that is sometimes still required of you depending on what your financial situation is. And also, if you are financially able to get some convenience in your life at this point, this is the time to do it. We'll be right back after this message from our sponsor. The birth prep blueprint course is a guide from pregnancy postpartum, giving you the confidence to walk through this journey. However it might play out. It is pre recorded on demand content. So you do not have to fit your busy schedule around a class or meeting time, you can go back and revisit the lessons as much as you need to. And you can watch or listen to them on your own time. This curriculum has left many families feeling confident in their decisions, knowing what questions to ask their providers, and knowing when they should be concerned in all of these periods. One of the biggest parts of this work in terms of preparing families and walking through this journey is knowing that you have a guide to rely on. And that's exactly what this class is. Students have told me they felt like I was walking them along a path to know what to watch for and what to not be worried about. Because you are here as a listener, you get the opportunity to have a 10% off discount on this class, that code is podcast, it is in the show notes as well along with the link to use to check out for the class, I do really recommend that you go give it a look. Because it is going to make you feel more prepared calm and confident for your birthing experience. Now back to your show. Okay, now, I'm really talking to the person who's giving birth right, like I'm talking about the person who's recovering from pregnancy and birth. However, partners need nourishment, as well. So have a good still stash of snacks for both of you. Because it's a lot of work on the entire family, right? When you're doing this, well, you are all exhausted, but also all really loving it right? Like you're all really loving each other and loving on the baby and all of that. And so you want some convenience in order to be able to sustain a partner or a family member, whoever is there supporting you, as well. Okay, so just to recap, I do really recommend that you think about some good sources of protein, some easy and fast things. So you know, convenience is key here, some shelf stable options that can just be kind of in strategic places around the house. So it's easy to get to them.

    Kaely Harrod 9:25

    And also think about some of your favorite things. Like I sometimes tell clients buy one of each of your favorite snacks, because then you have some of your favorites hanging out around the house. And isn't that just lovely? Like that's, I mean, why would that not be great in the postpartum time, right? So help that let that help you kind of get into a strategy of planning for postpartum food. And this is not specifically talking about different types of hydration but you also need to hydrate to think about things Like electrolytes, and good, like, fuel kind of fluids, but also significant water, you really, really need a good amount of water. And there are lovely postpartum teas and lactation teas and things like that, that you can add into the mix. But you really, really, really need to be hydrating as well. So think through that as well and kind of have a strategy for both. Alright, so we have our very first guest on the podcast on Friday, which I'm super pumped for. Well, our very first guest of this series, I should be clear, we've had loads of guests. And so I'm excited that we're gonna have some more. She's talking all about herbs in the postpartum time. So make sure that you listen to that one. If you are not yet subscribed, please do that. And it would be so incredibly helpful for you to leave a review on iTunes, because that is how people find this podcast. And so if you haven't yet taken a second to do that, I really, really, really would appreciate it if you would. And please do send me whatever questions you would like for me to answer in the new year. And you can do that on Instagram. That link is in the comments. All right, comments, not in the comments that link is in the show notes. All right, I'll see you all on Friday. This has been Kaylee daily doula Tips and Tips. I'm so glad that you were here joining us today. I am not your medical provider. And so all of this information is intended to be educational and entertainment. Please use it as such. And if you have questions about your own medical health, or need recommendations from your own provider, please do speak to them. This is not intended to replace them in any way. We are so happy that you are here joining us in this walk through pregnancy postpartum and lactation. Please take a second to like and subscribe, leave a positive review. That is how other families get to hear about us and get to learn from all the answers that we have here on this podcast. As always, I would really love to connect with you. I love answering questions. I know that you know that because you are here. But I would love to hear what your questions are. So if I have not yet answered them on the podcast, I would love to add them to the list of questions to be answered. please do reach out to me on Instagram or via email Kaely at her raw doula services.com so that I can answer whatever question you have and so that I can hear the feedback that you have about the podcast. Until we meet again, I wish you well informed consent filled birth and postpartum experiences

    Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Snacks are vital to all parts of life in my opinion. They are quick fuel for tired days, they stabilize blood sugar, they lift mood, they are just generally magic. In the postpartum period you need to eat sufficient amounts of food. It takes a great deal of work for your body to heal after giving birth and eating enough food helps your body do that. The 4th Trimester is not a time to try to limit your caloric intake or your food groups unless medically necessary. This episode contains some snack tips to help you plan out your food plan for the postpartum time!


  • Have snack baskets wherever you plan to sit to feed the baby

  • Buy a variety of your favorite snacks so you have options

  • Buy some shelf stable snacks so you don’t have to worry about quick expiration dates

  • Have snacks for your partner or co parent as well if you have one! 

  • Consider food that makes you happy as well as food that has high protein and healthy fats

  • Convenience is key in this postpartum time! So if at all possible try to get the easiest food to eat


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This podcast is hosted by the Birth Prep Blueprint - comprehensive Childbirth Education for expectant parents to feel calm, prepared and confident about labor and birth. Podcast listeners (that’s YOU!) get 10% off! Use the link below and coupon code PODCAST


** The Birth Prep Blueprint is offered for only $20 to anyone who qualifies for any kind of social services (meaning that a family has a lower income to the point that they would qualify for WIC or SNAP or Medicaid, etc.). No need to disclose your income, just which service you qualify for and the link can be sent right over. Just email kaely@harroddoulaservices.com to learn more.

If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your Instagram stories and tag me @harroddoula

Kaely Daily is produced by Kaely Harrod of Harrod Doula Services

It is sponsored by The Birth Prep Blueprint Childbirth Class

Music by Madirfan: Hidden Place on Pixabay


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