What are common misconceptions about placenta ingestion?

  • Kaely Harrod 0:00

    Hello, welcome back to Kaely Daily. Today's question is: What are common misconceptions about placenta ingestion? So we're talking all things placenta encapsulation. We'll be joined by the awesome Jade Hillery. So stay tuned for more. This is Kaely Daily, the bi weekly podcast about all things do live Tips and Tits where we answer one question about pregnancy, labor, postpartum or lactation, in order to have your journey in this parenting world be just a little bit more informed and filled with consent.

    Kaely Harrod 0:38

    Hello and welcome back to Kaely Daily. We are joined today by my dear friend Jade Hillery. She is wonderful and like connoisseur of all sorts of birthday things. But we're talking specifically about census today. Jade, I would love for you to introduce yourself and tell us more about your background and how you got into this work.

    Jade Hilary 0:59

    Sure. Hi, everyone. I am Jade Hillery My pronouns are she/her I'm a full spectrum doula. I'm a placenta encapsulator. I'm a childbirth educator.

    Kaely Harrod 1:10

    The list goes on and on.

    Jade Hilary 1:11

    I'm also facilitating things. Yeah, I'm a facilitator, and I'm a sensual movement instructor or coach. And I love all things birth and sensual movement education. And that's the gist of it. But yeah, it's not the full list. You have other things.

    Kaely Harrod 1:33

    Yeah, I remember one of the first times I met you, you were like talking to a group of expectant parents. And you're saying what you like how you doula. And you said something like, I help you be the badass that you can be. And I was like, Yes!

    Jade Hilary 1:53

    I forgot about that. Yeah. I mean, my thing is, like, you just said, like, you're reminding me, I really am there to remind you of the badass person that you are. I'm helping you tap into the power that you already have the resources that you already have. That's what I really like, try to lean into.

    Kaely Harrod 2:11

    Yeah, yeah. I thought it was just a perfect, like, summary of what you do.

    Jade Hilary 2:18


    Kaely Harrod 2:19

    You need that on a shirt.

    Jade Hilary 2:21

    Now it's evolved. And now I do have this on a shirt, but like,

    Kaely Harrod 2:24

    Oh, do you?

    Jade Hilary 2:25

    Well, not that specific one. But I made up another shirt. And I think it's like, I'm the mirror. I'm the plug. I'm the auntie. And like, just just leaning into that I'm an auntie, you know, when it comes to birth, I'm the one that gives you the special treats. I have, like a lot of knowledge about a specific subject. I'm hoping you tap into community but like, thinking of all the different ways that I show up as a doula in this work and trying to, you know, connect the dots to the typical language that we are the typical language or slang that the kids are using these days. Yeah, leaning into my "auntie-ness" when it comes to being a doula

    Kaely Harrod 3:06

    Yeah, that's awesome. So today, we're talking about placentas. Part of why I brought Jade on is Placenta Encapsulation is something that freaks me out, not on a professional level. But something about handling organs freaks me out. I don't know why, it's funny that way. that like I can see all the babies be born. No problem. I've sat through C sections, no problem. placentas like cutting it and dehydrating it. No, thank you, that makes me feel like I'll pass out.

    Kaely Harrod 3:35

    So Jade is one of the many lovely people that I refer to for these services if a client wants them. So Jade, I would love to hear your answer to our question today, which is: what are common misconceptions about placenta ingestion?

    Jade Hilary 3:50

    Yeah, that is, That's a great question. And I'm sure that even though we're talking today, I probably won't touch on all of them. There are so many, there's so many. I think the biggest one is that it doesn't help people.

    Kaely Harrod 4:07

    Like yeah, you know, it's all anecdotal.

    Jade Hilary 4:09

    It's all just anecdotal, which like, so I am a public health practitioner by trade. That's the other one of the other hats that I wear. And I always like to remind people that anecdotal evidence, quote unquote, anecdotal evidence or like lived experiences and stories, that is evidence, that is evidence and it's to be taken seriously. And we want to make sure that we're, you know, capturing those accounts as well.

    Jade Hilary 4:34

    But in thinking about the fact that folks are unsure of or just flat out, you know, against the the pros that they're hearing about, you know, some of the things that I talked to potential clients about our benefits like it can support lactation, of course, you know, every person's experience is going to be different, but it can support lactation, it can boost energy levels, and they can boost mood

    Jade Hilary 5:00

    Some folks do see a little bit of a bump in, you know, things like hemoglobin or iron levels. And so I think, you know, I'm not I mean, I think if nothing else, just by all of the different accounts that my clients have shared with me, and other things that I've seen and read and learn from other and calculators, this is something that really can be a benefit to a lot of people. Like I said, everyone's body reacts a little bit differently. But there's usually some type of benefit that people are getting. So that biggest misconception is that, you know, people are just doing it, because it's the thing to do, and it doesn't actually work. But it does. It has helped a lot of people.

    Kaely Harrod 5:41

    Yeah. Okay. Can I ask you a follow up questions?

    Jade Hilary 5:45


    Kaely Harrod 5:45

    So, as you're saying that I'm thinking okay, so maybe we should actually take a step back and answer the question, why does the placenta do that stuff? Like what's in the placenta? That's helping folks in that way?

    Jade Hilary 5:57

    Great question. Yes. Follow up question. So the placenta, trying to like sift through my brain and through all of the different things that so many things, the first sentence in treasure trove of things?

    Kaely Harrod 6:10

    Yeah, really is it really is.

    Jade Hilary 6:12

    So that is, you know, the placenta itself is the the organ that your body grows to support and sustain your pregnancy until it's no longer needed. And so with that, there are 14 to 15 different trace minerals and elements that can be found in the placenta. So the limited studies that they have done on placentas, they were able to find some trace elements. So more thinking of trace elements, we're thinking of things like, goodness gracious, it's about is it leaving me? It's leaving me?

    Kaely Harrod 6:50

    I feel like there was levels of calcium and magnesium levels of calcium, magnesium. There are also milk producing hormones that prolactin

    Jade Hilary 7:03

    Thank you. Yeah, it is late. I am so sorry. I know.

    Kaely Harrod 7:09

    Yeah. There was an [unplanned] follow up question.

    Jade Hilary 7:10

    No, you're fine. You're fine. So yeah, that actually reminds me, so not only trace minerals and elements, but also hormones. Prolactin, It's got some estrogen, some oxytocin. And so those are the ways that those are the reasons that you know, people would see an increase in milk production. Yeah, after they're taking after they start taking their pills.

    Kaely Harrod 7:33

    Yeah. Well, and one of the things I sometimes talk to clients about is the unknown, of the impact of the change in hormones and things once your pregnancy is over, right. And so I think, from my clients experience, at least people who've had an experience without placenta ingestion and one pregnancy and with it, and another, have more data from themselves of the impact, right? And those are folks that tend to be like, Oh, my gosh, I see a huge difference. Where like, if you're in your first pregnancy and doing this, it's hard to compare it to anything, because you don't have a situation where you didn't have it.

    Jade Hilary 8:08

    You know, that's a great point. That's a great point. And I've definitely seen that with. They weren't necessarily my repeat my repeat clients, but they came to me for their second or subsequent pregnancy, and had decided because of, you know, their first time or second time that they wanted to encapsulate with this one. Now, I always give the caveat that, yes, placental ingestion can, you know, provide folks a lot of benefits and I always want to be responsible in saying that do not hang your entire hat on placental ingestion or consumption. Continue to work with your doula your providers, postpartum doulas, you know, your care team. Because in when we're thinking about the healing journey, yeah, consumption can be a great supplement, it can really support you, and it's not the end all be all. So although it's really great, and helps a lot of people and people see a lot of really wonderful benefits. Don't you know, rest everything on this one piece because it really is just one piece of your healing journey.

    Kaely Harrod 9:14

    Yeah. Okay, another follow up question that I've had people ask is, How long should you take the placenta pills? Or are they only effective... this is sort of a two part the same kind of question. Are they only effective if you finish them so like sometimes I've had people who like forgot to take them for a few weeks or something and then they're like, is it still good to take them now? You know, I'm one month apart Um, can I still take them? And so that kind of is where that question is coming from.

    Jade Hilary 9:42

    Yeah. Also a really great follow up question. So if you are in a situation where you forgotten to take them or you decided to wait, there will still be a benefit you can still see a benefit. Some encapsulate errs actually suggest to people that you know, save 10 to 15 pills so that you can take it, you know, a month later or for your when your first period returns after maybe, because you're also seeing hormone fluctuations during those points in time. And so another thing that placental pills are good for is like helping to kind of regulate the hormones that are in flux. See that immediately after birth? And of course, you're seeing that with your first period, or your first menstruation. So it can be really beneficial around that point in time, too. So yeah, he didn't take them all, you know, within the first few weeks of having baby, it is definitely okay to save them, and take them out at a different point in time, especially if you're noticing hormones are in flux.

    Kaely Harrod 10:45

    That's so interesting. I now I'm like, Should we all take placenta? Like who has a placenta that they can donate for the menstrual cycle of the non placenta owners?

    Kaely Harrod 11:02

    So we're primarily talking about Placenta Encapsulation in part because I find that that's the most common form of ingestion. But do Do you mind touching on other ways that people use their placentas just kind of so people have a full spectrum of what kinds of things they can do.

    Jade Hilary 11:20

    Yeah, so you can, I mean, there are different ways to ingest so things like pills, I know people, you know, make chocolates, gummies smoothies, you can make an external salve. And so that's really good for, you know, dry or cracked nipples, cradle cap, extremely dry skin, stuff like that. Another form of ingestion is through tinctures. So the tincture process, and that really is for getting the longer term benefits of the placenta. So folks save that for you know, subsequent periods. And then some folks their plan is to save it for menopause because that's when we really see a lot of hormonal fluctuation. So it can be good for that. Yeah, and then things like keepsakes, so you know, artistic prints, pictures. Placenta art, where it's dehydrated and formed or shaped. I've done a lot of umbilical cord keepsakes. So you know I offer or a lot of people offer just the basic, you know, formed and dehydrated umbilical cord keepsake. And then I'm starting to see a lot of people offer, you know, jewelry and gold dipped, you know, keepsakes and things like that. And then I've seen things like baby trees, so you plant your placenta, you know, somewhere like a park or your backyard along with the tree. And, you know, as the tree is growing, it's getting the nutrients from the placenta. So lots of different things that people can do with the placenta outside of consuming.

    Kaely Harrod 12:57

    Yeah, yeah. That's really cool. So does the tincture have a longer half life or a longer shelf life than the encapsulation or is it just that it's like concentrated in a different way?

    Jade Hilary 13:09

    It does have a longer shelf life and it's concentrated in a different way. So with the tincture process. It's, you know, submerging a piece of placenta in alcohol. Okay, and allowing it to steep.

    Kaely Harrod 13:23

    Yeah, right. What is the timeframe on that? So like, if someone has a tincture, how long after birth? Is that prepared? Or ready?

    Jade Hilary 13:31

    Six to seven weeks.

    Kaely Harrod 13:33

    Okay... Probably a long time. Okay. Yeah. That's awesome. So you said I, and then you were like all the people who do placenta, I would actually like for you to share how people can work with us specifically if they're local to the DMV.

    Jade Hilary 13:49

    So you can find me online. I have a website. It's www.jadethedoula.com. I try to make it really simple for people.

    Kaely Harrod 13:58

    Yeah. I'll make sure it's in the show notes. Yeah, yeah.

    Jade Hilary 14:01

    And then I'm also on Instagram. It's Jade underscore the doula and yeah, so those are the two quickest, easiest ways to connect with me via Instagram or through my, my website.

    Kaely Harrod 14:14

    Yeah. And do you have any offerings that are not that are like virtual or that people who aren't local to the DMV could tap into or is everything local right now?

    Jade Hilary 14:24

    Um, the only thing that's not local is childbirth education. When that officially launches, I will have not only like in person offerings also have hybrid and I'll also have virtual, amazing. Yeah. And then I've pulled back on like virtual doula services. Yeah. Because things are the landscape is shifting again. But we'll see. We'll see what happens.

    Kaely Harrod 14:47

    Yeah, well, I'll make sure that your infos in the show notes so that when that class launches, people can dive into it with you. Also, I feel like your like content that you share on Instagram is also helpful so people can connect over there.

    Jade Hilary 15:01

    Thank you.

    Kaely Harrod 15:02

    Yeah. So any last thoughts on placentas before we hang up the hat for this episode,

    Jade Hilary 15:09

    I would encourage folks to check it out, connect with, you know, local Placenta Encapsulation groups or find in capsule leaders. A lot of us do free consultations. So even if you're not sure, you know, getting the information is part of the journey. And then yeah, the decision.

    Jade Hilary 15:28

    The other thing I'll say is that some folks offer in home services. So you know, they'll pick it up, they'll do it in your home, and then it's right there ready to go. Other folks like me, we'll pick it up, we'll do it in our own space, and then we deliver. And so we're trying to make things as easy and as seamless as possible. So all you have to do is get the placenta to us. We take care of everything else. So yeah, those are my last two things.

    Kaely Harrod 15:52

    Yeah, no, that's a really good distinction. Because everyone's a little different. Whether they do it in your home or in their own space.

    Jade Hilary 15:57


    Jade Hilary 15:59

    Yeah. And really, I mean, I can't emphasize enough how much I like when I have a client who's kind of like, I don't know, tell me more about it. I'm not sure what I think I'm like, just talk to someone like, I mean, yes, obviously, you're a fan of it, because you do this, but also, you're an expert in that. And so you can answer questions really thoroughly. And someone like Jade, I can tell, I can say with full confidence. She's not gonna, like, try to sell you on the idea. She's information, you know, most of us, that's how we function, You know,

    Jade Hilary 16:29

    I always tell people like I am a horrible capitalist, because I, you know, I, I really want you to make the decision that you feel most comfortable with. And if that means not not doing that, then it's perfectly alright. That's why I got into this, you know, this line of work, because I want folks to feel affirmed and assured and the choices that they're making. Yeah, so yeah, it's yeah, no,

    Kaely Harrod 16:55

    right. No, absolutely. I mean, I think that's like, centered and all of your work, you know, just like you have the information so that you can make a decision. So, okay, well, thank you so much for joining us.

    Jade Hilary 17:07

    Thank you!

    Kaely Harrod 17:07

    We are so grateful that you took the time and we will see everyone on the next episode. These episodes are edited and produced by Kaely Harrod as I'm sure you can probably tell, and our amazing music. It's credited in the shownotes as well. So we look forward to seeing you on the next episode, and in the meantime, have a wonderful and consent filled birth.

    Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Placenta encapsulation is gaining popularity and press so this episode is entirely about myths that come along with the ingestion of placentas. There are many benefits that people find from placenta ingestion. I am not a placenta expert, so today we will hear from Jade Hillery about all the things placenta ingestion. 


  • Placenta ingestion has been shown to have many benefits for postpartum people

  • There are many different ways people use their placentas beyond just encapsulation

  • Talking to a placenta specialist is the best way to see if placenta ingestion is a good fit for you.

Jade is a proud Black, full spectrum doula, placenta encapsulator, educator, sensual movement instructor, and reproductive health and justice advocate serving the DC metro area. Outside of birth work she provides facilitation, training and learning design expertise to Planned Parenthood and Cornerstone Birthwork Training and is a board member for Aaliyah in Action. 



IG: jade_thedoula



6 Ways to Increase Oxytocin for Labor Progression



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Kaely Daily is produced by Kaely Harrod of Harrod Doula Services

It is sponsored by The Birth Prep Blueprint Childbirth Class

Music by Madirfan: Hidden Place on Pixabay


When Should I Take a Childbirth Class?


How is the Placenta Delivered?