Doula Tips and Tits with Kaely Harrod

Doula Tips and Tits is a podcast to answer your most pressing questions about all things pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

Kaely shares juicy tips and insight…No TMI here! It's all game.

Kaely Harrod Kaely Harrod

My Doula Business Timeline So Far

Today I’m walking you through the timeline of my business. Because I’m tired of the get-rich-quick schemes and language that are going around. I want you to have context for realistic growth. I’m NOT saying you have to grow like I did, because you could do it a bunch better/faster! But I am saying I want you to have the context of what it took for me to get here to this beautiful 6-figure business place.

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Kaely Harrod Kaely Harrod

Providers That All Doulas Need To Know About

Today we are discussing networking! What kind of providers would I want to network with in my doula business? People that I regularly refer to, and want to build network with, are acupuncturists, massage therapists, lactation consultants, chiropractors, pediatricians, nannies, pediatric dentists or ENTs. And then of course, midwives and OBs.

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Kaely Harrod Kaely Harrod

Why Rest Is Vital As a Doula

Today we are discussing rest! Rest is vital on all levels. Mental, physical, and emotional especially when we are giving so much to our clients on a regular basis.

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