How is Doula Coaching Different from Doula Training?

  • Kaely Harrod 00:04

    Welcome to doula Tips and Tits. This podcast is a place where we answer one question about doula work, both to support you and to help you support your clients. I'm Kaely Harrod. I've been supporting families in this perinatal space since my oldest was born 12 nearly 13 years ago. I am a birth and postpartum doula childbirth educator, la leche league leader and a doula coach. I love guiding and supporting doulas as they work out their doula business. It is a tremendous joy to be trusted in this way. Thank you for joining us on this journey. Welcome back. Today's episode is answering the question of how is doula coaching different than doula training? So I want to kind of dig into that a little bit more because I know that the term doula coaching or the phrase doula coaching is a little less common than doula training doula certification, etc. And there is a difference. And so I want to make sure that that's really clear. So when someone decides to become a doula, the first thing to know is that there is no kind of overarching body regulating the space of doula work. And so country to country area to area, it is very different in terms of what people do and how they're trained, et cetera. In the US at the moment, there are over 100 Different certifying bodies for doula work, in part because there's again, very little regulation around what someone has to do and has to include etc, for doula training and certification. So that being said, it is of course advised to be at the very least trained as a doula and to be certified if you feel like that is helpful to you depends a little bit on what the certification even means. Personally, I am not a fan of certification, that's just like you paying a membership fee to keep your piece of paper up to date. I prefer if certification requires a fee are an ongoing cost for the doula that is including something for them, right that it's either offering ongoing mentoring or ongoing educational opportunities or something else. I am a fan of ongoing education, I think similar to like nursing, nursing fields and teaching fields and things like that. There are the need to be updated on new research and the most recent up to date evidence and things like that. And so I do think that should be an could be a really good thing. But it isn't currently required, depending on the kind of certification and training that you get. Now, today's episode is not about picking a training that that is not what we're talking about. So I'm not going to dig into kind of the nuances and the different kinds of training. I'm more so what I think I want you to think about the differences and kind of when does doula coaching fit into this space? So doula coaching is like coaching in anything else, right? You essentially have someone who knows more about what they're doing in this work, helping you kind of figure out what this can look like for you. So it shouldn't be that they're making you into like a cookie cutter version of themselves, or they're applying the exact same rubric to every single person like that. Not so much what at least what I do what I think is helpful for doulas, because I think we all do this differently. And that's what makes it so beautiful. And so that's a part of this work that is really important to keep going and keep people kind of authentically in their own lane. So as a doula coach, I'm guiding doulas, right. I'm educating doulas. I'm also helping contextualize what they're learning. And what I mean by that is I might, helping them apply what they're learning to their real life situations, and figure out what does that look like for them in this scenario, right? Because it is super different for every doula and also every business owner, right? So we need to sort of have an idea of what would work well for you, and also help you tease out what that looks like, over time. So I want to talk a little through like, what does that look like then for someone who is currently being trained? Someone who has finished training someone who's like, maybe, you know, a newer doula, but still, you know, has been doing this work for a little while. It's kind of like a doula in the wild, right. They're already in with clients, etc. So the first person I mentioned would be someone who's like in the midst of training now. So let's say someone hired a doula coach, and they're simultaneously going through doula training. The benefit there, I think, is that from the very Beginning you have some guidance to help you figure out how to apply the things you're learning, and also to supplement the things you're learning. Because the reality is that even a very robust doula training program curriculum is going to have holes. And so helping to sort of fill in some of those gaps and help kind of have good resources and evidence based information and things like that. And even to answer questions like, like, is this true for everyone, this thing that I'm reading about, because that sounds like scary or terrible or whatever. So that kind of guidance is really helpful. The other thing that is a part of that is during training, you can already start to set up your business stuff, set up your social media, even start working as a doula. And so a doula coach is going to help you kind of tease out what that should look like for you, and how to help guide you get to the place that you want to be in terms of doula work. Okay. So let's say you have just finished doula training. So you're like, in the first year, year and a half, after you've trained to be a doula, you're maybe like you've attended some births, but you're still getting certified are still finishing up your requirements. So in that space, part of what a doula does is help you imagine what this doula work can look like and affirm that you are applying your knowledge accurately. So oftentimes, after a doula training, you kind of go into like an actual client support scenario, either at a birth or postpartum. And there's a moment of like, I think this is the time when I do the thing that I learned about in my training, but I'm not sure if this is the time that I do the thing. And so having some affirmation, having some nurturing some like, encouragement that you're applying things accurately is really, really valuable. Because you're essentially like stepping into the real world of doula work and trying to distinguish if what you're doing is kind of an accurate application of what you learned, right? The third group is someone who let's say you they've been trained as a doula for like, a few years. And they're either feeling like super isolated and wanting some support and some community some like growth potential. Maybe they've been doing doula work for a little while, but they've never really seen the kind of growth that they want their business to have. Or maybe they're like, I do this kind of doula work. But I'd rather do that kind of doula work. And I want some help kind of pivoting. So those are some different scenarios where it is, there are parts of doula coaching that they might not need as much. But there are other parts that will be way more effective for them than when you're newer, right? And so there's, they're sort of just like birth, right? Like, everyone uses different tools at different times for different reasons. And some people will say, you know, I could not have made it through labor without those hip squeezes. And other people are like, Do not touch me, you know, and they're still have, they still have things that they love, it's just not hip squeezes. And so the part of the training that taught hip squeezes is applied in some labors. And then the part of the training that taught how to affirm someone without touching them is applied and other Labor's right. So that's the same sort of thing with coaching, where everyone's getting a little bit different coaching, because it isn't the same scenario for every single person. And every single person isn't dealing with their own insecurities, their same questions, etc. And so it is a bit individual, even while it is a group scenario. So I hope that helps. I would love to answer any questions you have about doula coaching. This episode is coming out at the beginning of May in 2023. And at the beginning to middle of June, I'm going to be opening up my Doula coaching program for a new cohort. And so if you're interested in that, then I recommend grabbing the link in the bio to attend the May 2 masterclass where I'll be telling you a little bit more about it. And also having some phone calls and strategy phone calls that you can sign up for. So that would be the next step. If you're just like, you know, Kaylee, I don't think I'm ready for doula coaching. But I really love this podcast, I would be so appreciative if you would leave a quick review and a rating especially if you're listening from Apple podcasts because that is the easiest way for more doulas to find this work. Excuse me and a huge support to my business and what I do. I also always am happy to hear what your questions are that you'd like to have answered on the podcast. The easiest way to get in touch with me is using the Tick Tock or Instagram link in the bio in the show notes and then connecting with me there. So I'll see you in the next episode.

    Kaely Harrod 10:04

    Thanks for joining us for this episode of the doula Tips and Tips podcast. If you learned something today or had an aha moment we'd love for you to share that on Instagram and tag us at Herat doula, so we can celebrate alongside you. If you found this podcast helpful, we would so appreciate you taking a second to leave a rating and review on your favorite podcast app that helps other doulas find us as we do this work together. This podcast is intended as educational and entertainment it is not medical advice or business advice. Please consult your own medical or legal team for your own needs around

Doula Training and Certification is typically the first step into doula work. Doula coaching is a bit different because it’s the guidance you need as you’re putting your work into action after training is over. Doula trainings can leave you feeling excited and also overwhelmed as you set off to actually do this work.

A coach should help you sort through your own approach as a doula, brainstorm and hammer out packages, help you figure out your next steps, etc. Of course, just like doulas, doula coaches all operate a little bit differently, but generally the coach should be a guide - a doula for you as you launch this business.

There are a few different aspects of doula coaching. One is individual coaching. One-on-one coaching that leads to understanding the details of your work and where you are starting from and going. The second is group coaching or teaching to guide you and offer opportunities for growth in a group setting. And moral and educational support throughout the process. 

Key Takeaways:

  • A doula coach does not replace doula training or certification

  • A doula coach is essentially a doula for your doula business!

  • A good coaching program should involve a variety of aspects to support you!

  • I’d love to share more about my Doula Coaching if you’re interested. Reach out on Instagram!

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If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your Instagram stories and tag me @harroddoula

Kaely Daily is produced by Kaely Harrod of Harrod Doula Services

It is sponsored by The Birth Prep Blueprint Childbirth Class

Music by Madirfan: Hidden Place on Pixabay


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