How Do We Utilize The Tools We Teach To Our Clients In Our Own Business?

  • Kaely Harrod 0:00

    Welcome to the 100th episode of the doula Tips and Tips podcast. I am so excited that we are at this milestone it feels huge. And today the question that we're diving into is how do I as a doula use the tools that I teach?

    Kaely Harrod 0:32

    Welcome to doula Tips and Tits. This podcast is a place where we answer one question about doula work, both to support you and to help you support your clients. I'm Kaely Harrod I've been supporting families in this perinatal space since my oldest was born 12 nearly 13 years ago. I am a birth and postpartum doula childbirth educator, lovely cheerleader and a doula coach. I love guiding and supporting doulas as they work out their doula business. It is a tremendous joy to be trusted in this way. Thank you for joining us on this journey. Hello, and welcome back. I am Kaely, your host, doula coach, do love mom, wife, etc. One of the things that I was thinking, as I was thinking through this 100th episode is just the expansiveness that I have experienced in the last 100 episodes. Truly, when I started this podcast, I would have said I did say, my dear friend Kim can tell you what I said was, I'm hoping that this will broaden my reach. Right? I'm hoping that it will, it will help people in a way that I'm not currently helping people because it allows me to touch more lives right to be in front of or to be in the ears of more people. That was my goal. That was my hope, right? The reality is that over the last 100 episodes, that has shifted some and if you've been here since episode one, you have seen that shift, right? You've seen it shift from having like kind of an informal introduction and outro outro intro and outro I think that's what those are called to like having a more static one starting to do some advertising, starting to talk from like pregnant folks to doulas. Even my Doula coaching right like at the beginning of this podcast 100 episodes ago, I could not imagine what this episode this point in my business looks like. And I was just beginning to see the like, kind of little shimmery before like forethought of it right and now to be in this 100th episode when I am you know, preparing for this beautiful, amazing free masterclass coming up. I have three amazing doulas that just finished my first beta cohort of my Doula coaching and are thriving, right are are like, really in an amazing place in terms of doula business. It makes me just so grateful. So incredibly grateful. So when I was thinking about today's episode, I was thinking, Gosh, it's a 100th episode, what are we going to do? It has to be something big, right? It has to be something fun as to be something amazing. And I decided I want it to be an encouragement to you. Because as doulas we teach people, these tools that are so important for their life. But we also need those tools in our life and in our business. And so I want you to think about the tools that you offer to clients and how you can use them. Now the things that I was, as I was kind of brainstorming this I was thinking things like visualizing, or affirmation or support having tools to use preparation, right? And so when you're thinking about your business kind of growing and expanding like a pregnancy, what do you want the end result of that to be? Right? What do you want this to take you to? Where How do you want to give birth in your business? And that's something that happens over and over there are transformations all along the way in a small business. And I don't say small like financially your site but like teamwise even right, like you're a solopreneur or a small team leader, and that is you're an entrepreneur, right? You're kind of paving this way for yourself. Then you need to have all these days. For moments of change and breakthrough, as you grow and adapt, and, and learn and expand, that's just a part of this world as a business owner. Okay. So what I want you to think about is how, first of all, what are you already doing? Well, do you have good support? Do you have good tools to use? And I mean, on the one hand logistical support and tools, right, like, Do you have a decent handling on the tech stuff of having a business, right? Do you have people to help you in terms of encouragement and coaching and things like that? Even just like what to do next? Like I have 15 things on my to do list and which thing is more important? What should I be thinking about when I think about this? Right? That matters a lot. And so, if you currently have that, and you're like, oh, yeah, Kaely, I have this fantastic support system. Amazing. Wonderful, then that is not maybe something that you need. But if you're like, yeah, no, I I'm kind of figuring all that out on my own friend, you need support. You need support. I cannot say that enough. You absolutely need support. We all do. We would never talk to a doula client and be like, I think you can do this by yourself. Because that's not why we are in this work, right? We believe in support. You need support for yourself, okay? If you are already sort of doing the work of affirming or visualizing yourself, that's amazing, right. But you also need to think about visualizing the expansiveness of your business. Now, I will be the first to say this is hard for me. And it's gotten easier in the last year, in part because I've done some mindset work. And part because I've done some mindfulness, some meditation, I've sort of connected in a different kind of way than I have in the past. But when I was starting this work, like really starting it, I was starting in a place of not being able to imagine what it could look like down the road, I remember people saying, You need a five year plan, and I'm like, I'm just trying to survive until December, you know, and I'm like, I just can't even get into a five year plan, because I can't see how the rest of the year is going to go. Right. And part of that, honestly, was living in poverty. That was a that was part of my journey here. That was part of our family's journey. And that keeps you stuck in a survival space that you otherwise are not in, right. And so there's there is room for that there. It's okay if that is where you are and need to be right now. But also their space to imagine this thing growing. The moment for me that I first imagined growth like I have now in my business was when the pandemic hit. And I was like reeling as many of us were, and I'm like, Oh, my gosh, everything about my business is going to change. What if doulas are just no longer a thing? What if we never get let back into the hospital? What if we can't ever do classes in person again, right. And I remember just kind of like, trot, like super stressed, also just terrified of, of COVID, of course, and having all these layers of stress, and then thinking, Okay, I need to make an online class, I need to figure out, I need to sort of pivot and change and move and figure out how to do this, right. So I made an online class, I stayed up until I don't even know three or four in the morning, so many nights, which I do not entirely recommend. But you know, there was my process. And started to invest a bit and doing that started to like, invest in being trained and doing that. Like, there were just lots of different layers to, to what that looks like for me. And I remember learning for the first time about selling online courses to people. And I was like, oh, oh, I could like sell this as its own thing. Like I could sell people who aren't my Doula clients this course. Because at the time, I was sort of making this class to be like, Okay, well, you can do my online thing because we can't we're not allowed to be in person. Right. And so here's my online offering to compensate for that. Right. But I wasn't thinking how can this continue to benefit and educate families that I otherwise couldn't help couldn't assist couldn't support because of where they live or because of my own schedule or whatever. I didn't even have the frame of reference for that truly, which is kind of silly, maybe to be like Kaely, you didn't know about like, online courses like, no. I mean, I did, because I took online courses myself, but I didn't imagine that for my own class, right.

    Kaely Harrod 10:16

    And so as, as I was able to envision that I was like, Wow, this opens up an expansiveness in my business that I could never have imagined. And honestly, it was from that place that my business has grown significantly, in part, because I was like, I can envision how this can go. Now, it has been a real windy road. Because at the time, I didn't have the finances to invest in coaching, or invest in systems or invest in marketing or any of that. So I was like, I'm gonna try to figure this out on my own, which is always just a harder path. I am super proud of what I learned in that process. And I know that I would have gotten there faster. Had I had some money to invest into that, right. But I didn't. And so that is, that's the path that I walked out. The awesome thing I think, at this point is I can look back at that initial conversation with someone that was like, wait, I could just like sell this to people. Like sort of passively, like, what? And I remember thinking, Oh, this could be like a thriving business, like a thriving business, this could be more than I even imagined it being. And that realization changed everything, because it made me curious about where this could go. It made me excited. I remember talking to my parents at one point and saying, like, If this goes well, I can imagine making four times what I'm making now in profits. And that feels like tremendous, right? And, and remember, I mean, I come from poverty like that our family was living in poverty for many years. And so that is the space that we're coming from, right. And so there was this expansiveness that I literally had never let myself imagine that now I'm starting to walk out that is beautiful and wonderful and, and so lovely. For my business for my Doula coaching coaches, for my mentees that are my doula. my Doula folks that I support for my Doula clients, right for my children, for my partner, my spouse, all of that has been touched by this expansiveness in the most wonderful way. Okay. So I really want to encourage you to take some time to figure out what you could be doing to affirm and visualize and support yourself that you're not currently doing. Now, if you're sort of listening to this, and you're like, Kaely I feel so stuck, like I'm doing this work or I just started this work, but I don't I really truly don't know what to do next. Please come to my masterclass, my masterclass is free. It is three steps to building a successful and sustainable doula business because as unsexy, as sustainable is sustainable is vital to business and to doula work, because doula work can be exhausting. So come to that class. And learn some of the steps that I have taken learn some of the things that other folks have used some of the tools that are available to you, I promise you, you will grow and and expand even just in that even just leaving that class with things to think about. I have questions for you about all of those steps. How can this look for you in your business? How can this look a year from now for you in your business? How do you connect these two dots so that your business is more successful so that you feel more sustainable in this work? That is what you're going to gain from that class. Now I will tell you spots have been filling up like crazy so grab a spot ASAP. The link is in the show notes. If you're watching if you're listening to this on one of the podcast apps, if you are not seeing that link it is also in my Instagram so at Herat doula is Instagram my Instagram. I would love to hear from you. What you need as a doula, what you need in your doula business, what's your next step that you're taking? Because I want to encourage you and cheer you want and that that is something that I love and something that I'm incredibly passionate about doing. So until next time, I wish you all the success and sustainability In your doula business

    Kaely Harrod 15:08

    you're joining us for this episode of the doula Tips and Tips podcast. If you learned something today or had an aha moment, we'd love for you to share that on Instagram and tag us at hurrah, doula. So we can celebrate alongside you. If you found this podcast helpful. We would so appreciate you taking a second to leave a rating and review on your favorite podcast app that helps other doulas find us so we do this work together. This podcast is intended as educational and entertainment it is not medical or business advice. Please consult your own medical or legal team for your own needs in your life and business. See

    Transcribed by

100 Episodes!!!! In honor of the expansiveness of this podcast we are diving into using your own tools that you teach your clients as a support to yourself as a doula. I want you to ask yourself some questions today: when you're thinking about your business kind of growing and expanding like a pregnancy, what do you want the end result of that to be? What do you want to nurture? 

I start with that question because your business should be something you love and want to nurture. Not that there aren’t moments of mixed emotions, pregnancy is often that way too, right? But ultimately you want to be building your dream job! This episode will help you imagine how to enjoy it more! 

Key Takeaways:

  • Your business needs visualization

  • Your business needs expansive dreams

  • Your business needs YOU to be well supported!

Join us in the New Doula Masterclass Just for YOU! This masterclass goes into the 3 steps for both success AND sustainability in your doula business. Spots are limited so be sure to grab your free spot today!

CONNECT with Kaely on Instagram

This podcast is hosted by the Birth Prep Blueprint - comprehensive Childbirth Education for expectant parents to feel calm, prepared and confident about labor and birth. Podcast listeners (that’s YOU!) get 10% off! Use the link below and coupon code PODCAST

** The Birth Prep Blueprint is offered for only $20 to anyone who qualifies for any kind of social services (meaning that a family has a lower income to the point that they would qualify for WIC or SNAP or Medicaid, etc.). No need to disclose your income, just which service you qualify for and the link can be sent right over. Just email to learn more.

If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your Instagram stories and tag me @harroddoula

Kaely Daily is produced by Kaely Harrod of Harrod Doula Services

It is sponsored by The Birth Prep Blueprint Childbirth Class

Music by Madirfan: Hidden Place on Pixabay


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