Bonus Episode: Just for the Doulas!!!

  • Kaely Harrod 0:02

    This is Kaely daily, the bi weekly podcast about all things doula Tips and Tits where we answer one question about pregnancy, labor, postpartum, or lactation, in order to have your journey in this parenting world be just a little bit more informed and filled with consent. Hello, welcome back to Kaely daily. So today is unique in that we are not actually talking about a question. So remember that I told you in the last couple episodes that I have something new and exciting, and I was going to tell you about it soon. So that is today, I want to talk to you about a new program I have starting in 2023. So this is specifically for you if you are a doula. So I know that a lot of the people who listen to my podcasts are parents, right? Of course, you're someone who's pregnant, you're someone who's about to give birth, you're someone who's freshly postpartum, maybe. And so that this is not an episode that's talking about what kind of things you need and want answered. So it's if you're not that person, it's okay to like, not listen to this one if you don't want to right. This episode is for doulas. So, doulas. One thing that is really unique about our work is that we almost always do it alone, right? So you maybe did a doula training a certification, and you were there all weekend, or you did it over the course of a couple of different virtual sessions or whatever that looked like for you. But then once you're actually doing your work as a doula, you usually only doula there, right. And you're usually with your clients and kind of, for lack of a better term, like making it up as you go, right? I'm not saying that you don't have any guidance. But oftentimes, there's a lack of mentoring and kind of imagining what these things should look like in real life, kind of similar to when you're giving birth, right? If you take a childbirth education class, and then you're coming up to your labor, you're sort of like trying to plug in the things that you learned along the way, and see exactly how they fit in the real life experience that you have happening. Okay. So as a doula, I have really benefited from some generous mentoring from other doulas and have decided that that is something I really want to start doing for newer doulas, especially as a doula who's still learning and growing, but who's been around for a little bit, right. I've been doing this for some time now. And I have had a bunch of different experiences to go off of to be able to guide newer doulas through some of those hard spaces. So in January of 2023, I'm going to have my first ever doula mentoring program. And it is going to be a group mentoring program, it's going to be first, it's going to include a couple different things. So first, it will be six weeks worth of group coaching. So that will look like some education ahead of time. So like, I will have a video that everyone watches. And then we connect in a group coaching call and talk about that video talk about the topic that it is whether it's like pivoting in the midst of a birth or making hard transitions in the midst of the postpartum period. Like let's say a family is planning to breastfeed, but then breastfeeding isn't going well. They're planning formula feeding, but then the baby is allergic to that formula. And so they're kind of pivoting to see what exactly this needs to actually look like, in real time. How as a doula to support that for your clients? And also what tools do you need for yourself to be able to kind of keep someone's plan, not personal to you, right? So, so topics like that, we're gonna, we're gonna go over six different weeks of those things. And then we have a whole year of a community together. So that community will look like just the doulas that have been through this program. So it'll be I'll be leading it, I'll be in that community doing like a live q&a session, different learning experiences on a monthly basis. And that first year of the community, is when it's kind of gonna blossom and grow. Because this will be the the first of this program, right? So this is the kind of beta group for lack of a better term. So it's the first round and then as it grows, each group will have those six weeks by themselves. It'll be like that little cohort. And then we'll have that larger community that grows and grows with each cohort. So you'll have ongoing access to those folks to troubleshoot things as you go because part of being a doula is actually kind of Navigating birth by birth. So if I teach you lots of stuff in six weeks, and then you go off on your own, then you maybe have a birth at eight weeks, and you're like, I have a question about this thing. That's where that like ongoing community comes in. The other part of this first group, especially, is to have a 30 minute call just the two of us. So just you and me, we're gonna sit down and talk and see like, where are you? Right? because not everyone's in the same place. I've talked to some folks who are like, I got trained like this last January, you know, and I'm working on slowly starting a business, I have not yet supported any births. And I have folks that I've talked to that are like, I'm actively working as a doula, but I still feel very new. And it's still like, you know, in the first year or so of my business, and I'm trying to kind of navigate through this space. So that 30 minute call will give us a chance to connect on a one on one basis, and be able to really say like, Okay, what should you be focusing on what is like the next thing that you need to do in this, and how do you keep yourself moving forward. So that will be that's going to be also at the beginning of the program. So second week of January is when the program is starting, the date and time of the meetings is going to be decided, like with the group once the group is formed, because this first group is going to be less than 10. So so it's going to be a really nice intimate group, and then from there on, it will be 10 each group, so it's going to be a little bit larger, but but continue to be a fairly small, intimate group, my plan is to run this a few times a year, so just this January cohort is not the first time it is the first time, it's not the last time that you're gonna have an opportunity to do this. However, because it's the beta version of it. So it's my first time running it. So people that are in that group are going to give me some feedback about it and help me kind of make it even better, it's going to be at a slightly less slightly lower cost. So it's normally going to cost $750 For each of the cohorts for the rest of 2023. But this first one is only 500. So it's cheaper in a way that will not ever happen again, it's also broken up either into one payment of that $500 Or three payments. So there's some accessibility there to where you have some flexibility. If cost alone is the only reason that you can't do it reach out to me because we can break that payment plan down even smaller if we need to, we can, I would love to work with you to be able to be in this cohort if it feels like a really good fit for you. Okay, so more information about it is below, I'm gonna put both a link to book a call with me, if you'd like to just chat about it for a little bit, and ask me questions. I'm never gonna pressure you, I'm never gonna make you feel like crazy for deciding it's not a good fit. I very firmly believe in your intuition and your ability to decide things for yourself. But I would love to chat with you about it if you're interested. And then I'll also have like a little bit more of an outline, in terms of like, that's on my website that's like, what's included? And what are the sessions about and all of that kind of stuff. So that you can get some answers there as well. I already have one spot filled another spot spoken for. So it is filling up kind of quickly. So don't delay in reaching out to me, I anticipate that it will be filled before December even comes because of the interest that I've heard of. And so please do reach out to me soon. If you want to be part of this first group. If you want to keep an eye on like you just want to be like on the list of people who get information about it. But you don't necessarily want to join right now. also reach out to me and let me know and I'll add you to that list to kind of hear about it in the future. Okay, so expect our normal podcasting to start back up on Wednesday of next week. And until then, I do wish you wonderful and consent filled in full of education births. If you are currently giving birth, or wonderful consent filled births that you are supporting as a doula and I will talk to you next week. These episodes are edited and produced by Kaely. Her rod as I'm sure you can probably tell, and our amazing music is credited in the shownotes as well. So we look forward to seeing you on the next episode. And in the meantime, have a wonderful and consent filled birth.

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I am so excited to announce the launch of my Doula Mentoring Program starting in January 2023!!!

This first group is the beta group, meaning that in exchange for your feedback you get a lower cost than it ever will be again and you get to help mold and shape the program into what it will be in the future.

I already have 2 spots taken and the group will be intentionally small, so don't delay reaching out if you're interested.

Learn More about it here:


Doula Match:

Black Doula Registry:

BIPOC Doula Resource:


6 Ways to Increase Oxytocin for Labor Progression


CONNECT with Kaely on Instagram

This podcast is hosted by the Birth Prep Blueprint - comprehensive Childbirth Education for expectant parents to feel calm, prepared and confident about labor and birth. Podcast listeners (that’s YOU!) get 10% off! Use the link below and coupon code PODCAST

** The Birth Prep Blueprint is offered for only $20 to anyone who qualifies for any kind of social services (meaning that a family has a lower income to the point that they would qualify for WIC or SNAP or Medicaid, etc.). No need to disclose your income, just which service you qualify for and the link can be sent right over. Just email to learn more.

If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your Instagram stories and tag me @harroddoula

Kaely Daily is produced by Kaely Harrod of Harrod Doula Services

It is sponsored by The Birth Prep Blueprint Childbirth Class

Music by Madirfan: Hidden Place on Pixabay


What is Precipitous Labor and How Do I Know If It's Happening To Me?


Where Do I Find a Doula Near Me?