Am I Ready For The Doula Biz Blueprint Right Now?

  • Kaely Harrod 00:04

    Welcome to doula Tips and Tits. This podcast is a place where we answer one question about doula work, both to support you and to help you support your clients. I'm Kaely Harrod. I've been supporting families in this perinatal space since my oldest was born 12 nearly 13 years ago. I am a birth and postpartum doula childbirth educator, La Leche League Leader and a doula coach. I love guiding and supporting doulas as they work out their doula business. It is a tremendous joy to be trusted in this way. Thank you for joining us on this journey. Welcome back to doula Tips and Tits. Today's question is Am I ready for the doula biz blueprint now, the doula biz blueprint is my group coaching program. We start our next cohort on Tuesday. If you're listening to this episode, when it comes out, it comes out on June 16. And the new cohort begins on June 20. So next Tuesday, we start our our next six week group of doulas kind of going through the program. So I've gotten a lot of questions about it over the over the last number of months. And I want to kind of break down some sort of frequently asked questions and some information about it. So you have a bit more detail to kind of go into. One of the things that is really important to me in doula coaching is that doulas have access to me. So this is not a program where you just get recordings or you just get each other, but you get me every step of the way. So the first thing that's included in the program is a one to one video call coaching sessions. That's a private coaching session, the two of us are sitting down and saying like, Okay, where are you in your business? What's kind of the next step for you? Where do you need to go from here? Right. The next thing that's included is the six weeks of group coaching, which means you have six weeks of coming together with me leading and with other doulas really diving into, like, what do you need to be working on? What kind of accountability do you need? What kind of wins Do you have, like celebrating with each other, but also holding each other accountable, and helping each other figure stuff out? Right. The other big piece of that is that the program includes an entire year, and a Facebook community that is access to both me and the doulas before you and the doulas after you. So, so far this program has been running since the beginning of 2023. So we have six doulas that are currently in that group who have been through the program. So you not only get access and interaction with those doulas in that group, but also with any doulas that are entering this June cohort with you. Okay. The other thing that you get, and that community, let me just back up to that a little. So that community you have access to for an entire year, but then you also have the ability to continue on and, and renew that access to that group if you'd like to. The other thing that you get as part of the program is five modules that help you really break stuff down in your doula business. Now these are recorded lessons and teachings that I've done around things like advertising client management client, like networking to find clients. trauma informed care, processing risks, and twists and turns in the midst of birth, looking at how to expand your doula business, some ideas on expansion of doula business. And there are videos all throughout that along with tons of resources. Like, there are some social media posts, there are some there's instructions on how to like use Canva to make those social media posts your own right. There are instructions on scheduling social media posts, there's a whole spreadsheet that is already pre programmed to be able to like calculate due dates and whatnot. So there's lots of stuff there. That is really, really, really setting you up for your doula business to be a well oiled machine. Okay. And that stuff you own forever. So that is stuff that you have access to for your life. So I think one of the beautiful parts of this program is you don't have to be in a really specific place to start it. I've had people all the way from like they've been a doula for a couple years to like they literally are training as a doula as we do the coaching program, okay. Both of those people can gain tremendous things from the program because really, what you need next in your business is an individual thing anyway, so we're not coming to this as if every Single do it and the program needs exactly this thing next, right? That means there's not a formula to follow. It's not a program where you have to do these six steps. It's a program where you get the support that you need, and you get the change that you put in to the to your business, and you're in the program as you're there. Right. One thing that I will say is that because of the nature of this program, being kind of intimate in the way that it is, I do keep it nice and small. So I don't have a big coaching program. I don't want a big coaching program, it will always be or at least my plan at the moment is for it to always be a more like intimate group of people, right. And so that means that those spots sometimes fill up pretty quickly, and have the potential of filling up even faster in the future. So part of why I wanted to do this quick episode just kind of breaking down that program for you. So I wanted you to have a really good sense and hear from me directly kind of what to expect in terms of it, what to expect in terms of interaction with me what it looks like to have the program available to you what it looks like to be in the program. If you go back two episodes from a few months back, there are there are three different episodes, really breaking down three different doulas experience in the program. I'll link those in the show notes so that you can go back and listen to them if you would like. But that can also be a really lovely way to sort of get another doulas perspective, someone who was on the receiving end of the coaching and get a sense of of whether or not this is a good time for you to be in it. Okay. Just like always, I really love connecting with you all. And I would love for you to reach out to me on Instagram at Herat doula, send me a quick message. Let me know what questions you have about the program. But also just connect with me so I can be one more person on Instagram telling you how amazing you are following your work as a doula and reminding you to not give up. Alright, until the next episode I wish you informed, informed and consent filled experiences

    Kaely Harrod 07:14

    thanks for joining us for this episode of the doula Tips and Tips podcast. If you learned something today or had an aha moment we'd love for you to share that on Instagram and tag us at Herat doula, so we can celebrate alongside you. If you found this podcast helpful. We would so appreciate you taking a second to leave a rating and review on your favorite podcast app that helps other doulas find us as we do this work together. This podcast is intended as educational and entertainment it is not medical advice or business advice. Please consult your own medical or legal team for your own needs around

The Doula Biz Blueprint is a group coaching program for doulas to grow and expand in their business now and into the future. It includes one-on-one coaching as well as small group coaching, larger group community and TONS of resources that you have access to forever. This program is designed to get you going and keep you going in your doula business. Whether you’re just barely started or a year down the road, you’re able to grow and expand in this group alongside other doulas.

I want to outline some of the things I find to be the more important parts of the program:

  1. Access to me. This is not a group coaching program in name only. I am your coach. You see me at every meeting. I am doing the coaching. That matters a LOT to me. Coaching students have access between meetings on the voxer app as well so there’s access on access!

  2. Community. You have your summer group along with access to all the doulas who have done the program so far this year! 

  3. Resources. This one is huge. There are more resources than I can even describe to you. From spreadsheets to organize your clients to instructions on making posts for social media! I break all those details down for you and they are yours FOREVER! 

  4. A whole year to figure stuff out! While the coaching group is for 6 weeks, the whole rest of the year is included in your investment so you have the year in the community where you can ask me and other doulas questions and grow and be accountable together. You have the option to stay beyond a year, but that is entirely up to you! 

If you’re ready for this next step in your doula business, you can sign up here:

If you’d like to have a call about this first connect with me on instagram (link below!)

Words from another doula who went through the program: “If you feel like you need some direction I would totally suggest you give yourself a chance at the doula coaching program, because it’s access to a master doula!”

CONNECT with Kaely on TikTok or  Instagram

If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your Instagram stories and tag me @harroddoula

Kaely Daily is produced by Kaely Harrod of Harrod Doula Services

It is sponsored by The Birth Prep Blueprint Childbirth Class

Music by Madirfan: Hidden Place on Pixabay


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